Wednesday Class shoot

In class on Wednesday we all shot a short scene. The look for the required scene was night time interior with a single lamp lighting the subject.

Here is a quick rough edit of what we shot on Wednesday.

a few decisions we made were.

  • facing the desk more on a diagonal so that we had more room to get rid of shadow and create a darker background instead of having the background distracting in shot.
  • we had one lamp which was not bright enough so we got a dido light and bounced it onto the subject my placing a white book card to bounce the light back. We had this a bit higher up to blend this light source with the lamp.
  • we found the lamp as well was too bright so we put a bit of a diffuser in the lamp so it wasn’t so harsh.
  • The cutting was one of the most important things I think we did during the shoot. Often the light was bouncing on the walls, on the lens of the camera, on the ceiling and such so we got a few cutters and put them in place to limit this light spread. This meant it directed itself purely on the subject giving a darker background and creating more of a distinct shot. I think by removing the light from the background draws more focus onto the subject and creates a far smoother and softer shot.
  • here are a few images of the way we set up the shot
  • its interesting as well to note how we set everything up in the classroom, i particularly found it interesting that we approached it in layers. we started with the subject, the lamp and then slowly added and removed light to get the effect that we wanted.

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