presentation response

After watching all the other presentations I thought I would discuss the group who were also doing similar things to us.


The overall presentation was really well thought out, including initial ideas, location, lighting setups, camera, storyboards, and difficulties.

Through this thorough planning they seem to be really prepared and organised for what they want to achieve and who they’re going to achieve it. From previous experience in working in groups its a really great idea to have the lighting, the script idea to be planned out and organised. I do think that having a plan is great as long as you are able to adapt to the environment and be prepared for things that may go wrong.

In contrast to our group who are doing one scene repeatedly its more important to trial and error with lighting and set up. Whereas it appears that this group are intending to do one shoot for each of their ideas. I think for this to go as smoothly as possible having clear set roles such as director, camera operator, gaffer and sound will elleviate any potential issues. if all the discussion is done prior to what they want to achieve then everyone would get there say and when shooting everyone is on the same page but ultimately its up for the camera op and the director to get the shots.

They spoke a lot about the fluorescent light they want to include in the shot which is just at the location. Paul mentioned how overlaying a shot of these fluorescent lights in the window of the car door (their other sequence) would be a great way to tie together the two shots. In addition it would be a really interesting idea and I’m curious to see how it’d turn out.

I was really impressed with how well they have planned out and thought about what lighting would be required and what camera would be good at using in a low light situation as well as a small space. These are all things super important to consider but can also be difficult if your not as confident on what certain cameras do what.

overall it was a great presentation, I’m excited to see how it turns out. Im also curious to see how it looks compared to ours as our ideas and situations are quite similar but we as groups are approaching it from two different angles so Im excited to see the results.

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