Reflecting on 3 shot exercise
Using the EX3’s as a film camera again was much easier to get my head around the second time using it,I had pervasively used this last year and it took me a while to understand all the nuts and bolts of it. I think for me composition of a shot is super important, its the first thing I tend to notice when watching other films and when I am shooting my own pieces I really love to make sure it has an engaging composition element to it. In this class piece I think there are elements of good composition but upon reflection there are definitely things I would manipulate slightly to add more depth. I think composition in general can really add to mood, and emotion within a shot, it allows audiences to engage with a particular action and the cinematographer is directing the audiences eye to a specific point in the frame. IN this particular sequence we were to only shoot 3 shots a close up, mid shot and long shot of an action.
The close up, I chose to focus in on the hands cleaning the glasses. i thought the action was mundane yet super quirky. I felt that from a slightly higher than eye level angle to the side of the subject was a really nice element to the shot. I think not only does it keep up closely focused on the action but its almost as if we are there cleaning the glasses. Its not quite a point of view shot but its close to that. I would however change the hands he cleans the glasses with as sometime the whole arms interrupts the entire frame.
I felt like my adding a side/diagonal angle to the mdi shot created something more interesting as opposed to having to centred and forwards shots. I think it does also flow seeing as the close up also comes from this side. Although experimenting it to a different side could’ve been interesting to see if that would flow. The criticism I have for this shot however it I should’ve included a little more head room this would’ve given more space and allowed for a more open shot I think. I also should have lifted the shot up to crop out that black corner which I think can be a little distracting.
For the long or wide shot, despite having good head room I would preferred to get in the whole table. I wanted to crop out both the white plug and part of wall in long shot as it appears distracting the to eye. However the space didn’t quite allow for that. I like that this wide shot is head on I think it really sets the space up nicely. However I think maybe having the subject more at eye level might’ve been less obtrusive and more subtle as a shot which could’ve had a nicer overall feeling to it.