So we are a few weeks into our process of producing a short film. After the first week we were told to go into it a little more unplanned. Since then we have been developing more ideas and exploring how we are going to approach the rest of this project. We decided as a group through many discussions that to start we are each as individuals going to film something. Tim will film his friend playing his base, Penelope her cousin playing and I have just filmed my dad riding his bike. For the rest of this week we are going to film, document and record whether that be by audio or by video people within the state of being in the “now” and being in the zone.We as a group have in our mind where we want this film to go but are open to the idea perhaps shifting. Our plan is to film as much footage as we can this week collecting as many observations and ideas as possible. Next week we will review this, what we have and start piecing things together seeing what works and what doesn’t. Through this process we hope to mould our idea into a physical piece. After this stage we will review what we’ve got and then decide what need to be added or taken out. From there the process will be off fine tuning, whether this means to shoot more footage or direct our idea down a different path then that is what we shall do. Our idea right now because its so ambiguous and so broad we decided the best way to attack it is to just get stuck in and film. I think from there we will be able to properly piece together an amazing film.

Something as a group we have been often doing is having long discussions and conversations about life, people and how our theme connects to that. This in itself has been great to open our minds are really understand hat we are trying to convey. Our ideas are beginning to form together and as we go through these discussion we record them as they too may be incorporated into our piece.

What I am really looking for is the authenticity of what we collect, the rawness and realness of that “moment”.  For the audio we discussed how it would be a good idea to collect as many voices, options ,perspectives and ideas of this theme we have. By using this and the differing outlook of different people we can together collate and form what this film is really about. So my tasks for this week is to go out a film, record and experiment.

Currently Im really enjoying this process I think as a team we are all on the same page. Despite feeling slightly lost in how this idea will turn out I thin we have to take it one stage at a time. Our film is a process and an arthouse film that is in many ways experimental in order to communicate what we want. Whilst figuring that out is hard I think the more resources we get the more direct our idea will be.

Robin recently sent this email regarding how at the moment our approach is to individually shoot and then come together and discuss.

“This, at least for the next few days, might be an interesting approach: to investigate your subject quite independently, and then report back to each other.  Think of yourselves as going to your own corners of the world to investigate or find out about these themes in your own individual and very personal ways.  Perhaps don’t, for now, seek each other’s approval or editorial “sign off”.  The discussion when you get back together might be very productive – even worth recording.”

For me when I filmed my dad on his bike yesterday, I had to think about why I wanted to capture this moment. From my perspective the moment that myself, Penelope and Tim have so often talked about is a space in time where your focus is on the now. Directing your mind onto the space your in, the things your doing and harnessing the environment your placed. When I think about this moment I think of when i do exercise my mind is so focused on where I am what i have to do and how I must motivate myself to continue. During this time I have no room to think about whats for dinner or what happened in the day. So I wanted to capture this, The reason the shots are so close is because I think facial expression really captures the moment when a person is so solely focused on what they’re doing. I quite like how the mix between the handheld shot and the movement of the subject work together. Likewise with Tim’s piece I also wanted to follow his aesthetic of capturing some shadow on the face. In order to show that in depth moment. I think whether or not this footage is usable I myself have gained a better understanding of what I want our film to communicate. Here are a few stills of the moments I captured…

screen-shot-2016-09-27-at-2-00-26-pm screen-shot-2016-09-27-at-1-59-47-pm screen-shot-2016-09-27-at-2-00-45-pm screen-shot-2016-09-27-at-2-01-04-pm

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