


So our next assignment is to create a film in groups or as individuals based on our previous observations. I decided that my original idea which was based upon the interpretation and exploration of the universe in relation to us as humans was perhaps to much of an ambitious idea. In my mind I wanted to capture the beauty and the vastness of space and without a NASA telescope I figured that my vision wouldn’t be depicted as I intended. With this in mind I listened carefully to the other students ideas and thought about which I found interesting. In particular Tim’s idea despite having completely differing ideas on the theme and subject I found the experimental more unplanned method of filming was similar to how I was originally deciding to film. So with this in mind I contacted Tim and briefly discussed if he wanted any help with his idea. During our class when we figured out groups and the films we were to make Tim, myself and Penelope all grouped up and started narrowing down the idea. Tim extensively described his vision of his film and Penelope and I helped mould this idea into something we could achieve within the time frame. We figured out a rough outline of the film we wanted to create. We established what we each needed to film both together and separately and in general we got a really good start to our discussion. I think our idea is strong and were going to be very open with our filming so when we edit it we can piece it in a way that best communicates our theme. I missed the class today so was unable to see where we are at but am in contact with the others and will update on our progress.



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