Observation #14

Emotion/ laughter

The two sides I often find myself switching between. This is not an observation as such but more of a reflection for myself. I so often have been noticing the sadder things around me but at the same time I notice warily and humorous things. Throughout this year I’ve had many challenges and changes which is beyond stressful and in many ways I’ve have to endure hardships. However Ive always tired to maintain ridiculous and optimism and my way of showing this is through being quite quirky and weird. I enjoy noticing the wacky things in life and people.

So is there a way to combine these two things. This course had been about finding things that interest us and using this to motivate us to create something. So by creating something so authentically me at this moment of time could be a great thing. It is at this point however that I need to start exploring how this idea could be presented as a film and how this could be engaging. I want to create a strong idea so I shall continue noticing on the things around me but I will also see if i can conjure anything from this idea.



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