Our final episode of Offbeat Season 2

I can’t believe it’s over, joining Offbeat production crew right at the beginning of my course was the best thing I could’ve possibly done. Not only has the whole thing given me so much hand on experience in such a fun and exciting environment but it has allowed me to develop and discover the areas I want to pursue in the future. It has also given me the confidence to sign up for many more RMITV productions which I will continually do for the rest of my course hopefully making my way up to more developed and challenging roles.

Something I really loved about this process was the people I met and the collaboration that was involved, I got the chance to work with fantastic people who were both experienced and not. They taught me new skills in all areas and this created a really welcoming environment.

Our last show definitely went off with a bang in a sense, we faced many many challenges on this final show and unfortunately couldn’t go live. Our original room was double booked so we had to changed rooms and try out hardest to pull together everything with equipment we hadn’t used before, nor was it set up for our show. We were racing time and unfortunately it caught up with us, however we did manage to pre record parts of the band. Despite this we all worked so hard that last show, everyone pulled their weight trying to get all the equipment set up and in the moments of mayhem we managed to do our best and we really pulled together as a team. It also gave us a great opportunity just to try out a different studio which in some aspects was really fun. So whilst not what we expected from our last show it was for sure a memorable one.

This is just the beginning of my involvement within RMITV and other production roles, in the future perhaps I will produce my own and hopefully this will give me a platform to discover places outside RMIT to get involved  and work my way up to where I want to be.

Setting up the Cameras

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