Making Progress With My Online Community

Within my Networking Media subject our upcoming assignment led us to find an online community to interact with. For me this actually turned out to be a really fantastic opportunity to discover a community that has similar interests to me and is a platform that I can use to seek advice and search for work experience. unexpectedly this led to me taking a bit of a leap and attending an event meet up for the woman in this group.

On the weekend I met six amazing and inspirational woman who are all in the media industry and are a combination of directors, producers, actresses, screenwriters and much more.

Not only did I get to hear what they all do in their lives but I was able to share where I am right now in my course and what I am hoping to do in the future. I asked them for some advice on what I should do to get a kick start in my career. They said firstly to just get involved, post on the group and let people know I am looking for any work experience or people who can help teach me the ‘hands on’ skills of production.

This experience whilst nerve-wracking was such a brilliant opportunity to network and meet woman who I have exchanged details with and will hopefully work with in the future. Some of the woman said they would let me help out on a few of their productions to learn and gain experience which is fantastic.

I love that I have not only found a community that includes a team of people who share my interests, but i have connected with the community and actually met them. Not only have i made networks online but I have networked in person which I will continue to do and hopefully establish lasting connections with these woman. Furthermore by meeting these woman it has opened up other online communities that you can only be added into if you have met someone within the group. These Facebook groups are also for a smaller community of woman in film/TV in woman, this again opens up lots more networks and opportunities to get involved in the industry, help out on productions and seek advice/support from other woman.

One of ladies within this group and community was Kim Miles, as an independent filmmaker it was great to establish an online relationship with her, likewise at the meeting it was so interesting to hear her stories and her guidance in my journey as a filmmaker.



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