In pairs one of us talked about a random topic for 2 minutes and the other had to observe their mannerisms and then repeat the other persons mannerisms when they talk about their topic. It was hard at first to not be self aware of the way I move when I talk. After a while I forgot and then when Jasmine spoke for 2 minutes using my mannerisms it was strange to see how I use my body language when trying to communicate something. It seems to be something we just do as opposed to something we pay attention to.


We also all had to turn around face the wall and recall what Louise was wearing, I wrote down “scarf and grey knit jumper, jeans, hair up” and I was mostly correct except I thought she was wearing blue jeans not grey and I could remember the specifics. This was to show how we don’t often notice everything around us. More often than not we notice something but don’t take it in, we unconsciously filter through the things around us.

So this linked on to the topic of what we notice around us:

  1. Noticing
  2. Marking
  3. Recording

The more that we notice our environment and the things we are surrounded by, the better off we will be in our career of media.

Speaking of noticing, MONA: The Museum of Old and New Art is an art museum located in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia is in a way a form of how an artist notices and recreates. We spoke about this interesting museum that showcases modern, contemporary art from collections by David Walsh. His collection often involves the ideas of sex and death, it seems like a very individualistic museum and I plan to head over to Tasmania mid year so I will definitely check it out.

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