Australian professional gambler and artist David Walsh made a deal with Christian Boltanski to place a series of cameras within his studio and these would record his life every second of every day for the rest of his life and this collection of videos is the final artwork.  The entire concept of this idea I find really interesting. It made me consider my own life and what I do in my every day to day. I started to think that if every moment of my life was recorded, what would I notice about myself and how I respond to things. The sheer amount of emotion that would be portrayed I think would be so interesting to observe, every laugh of happiness or tear of sadness, anger, successes and failures would all be captured. I think as well that as time progresses the less aware the subject would be aware of the cameras and so it would honestly show what they do in their everyday life. It’s funny how us as human beings can change and be open and the ‘true us’ in a way when we are alone. So I would love to see how other people act when they’re alone. I reckon habits and little mannerisms that we all do when we’re alone but not in public would be the most fascinating thing to notice and I think it  would in a way show how we are all so similar in our behaviours.



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