Assessment Task 1: Blogging

My blog has been a combination of my three classes; Media 1, Cinema studies and Networking Media. This has been continually updated with lectures, workshops, exercises and ideas brought up in each of theses classes and overall I think I’m keeping up well with trying to combine the things we do in class with the relating relevant ideas to my experiences. An idea raised in class was our online persona and the way we portray ourselves online. For me whilst wanting to create a unique style, I wanted to represent myself in a professional way as well. I wanted to ensure the focus was on media, film/TV and my experiences of this as a way forward into my future career.

For networking media I have split it into two components my experiences in the Film and TV industry and the lecture/class/ideas we talk about each week. I have struggled to find a way of connecting the two together, so that is something I would like to work and improve on.

We also explored the ideas of being network literate which includes (links to other blogs, websites, etc, posts,tagging, categories and embedding, a way for it to be easily navigated around our blogs, comments, widget, a way to communicate with the readers and author, direct,). My blog NetMed Week 3 demonstrates some of my technical trials such as adding in a video link and image. On some of my other blogs for my media 1 subject, such as the creative task blog this highlights how I have embedded video using Vimeo and audio using Soundcloud.  It also includes my discussion of plagiarism and copyright which is an idea raised in our readings and lectures about the importance of copyright and how we as bloggers must be self aware of it . This is shown in all my blogs where I include an image that is not mine, as I always reference the image.

The difficulties I encountered at first were finding my own style, whilst write interesting content that is logical and engaging. Blogging however has allowed me to put my thoughts onto paper, It has given me a space to think deeply and analyse the ideas brought up to us. This relates to our reading by Miles, Adrian. Blogs in Media Education: A Beginning which basically explains how blogging benefits our learning. Whilst Blogging about lectures and workshops have been more of a task for me I thoroughly enjoy discussing what I’m passionate about; such as moviesI see and analyse, exercises in class, what I learn about Film and TV and how this inspires me to keep aiming for my goal.

The technical skills I have learnt over the 6 weeks have been quite substantial seeing as I have never blogged before. So setting up the blog itself was quite technical and understanding how to add posts, links, tags, media and how to basically edit my blog together. As the weeks continued we learnt more about pages and blog rolls and through this is learnt from other classmates blogs and used this as inspiration to improve my own.

Whilst my blog is well underway there is so much more I want to achieve such as quality content. I wish to include more media forms, taking my own photos, filming my own videos in my own time and discussing my thoughts on media in general.


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