Media 1 Initiative Post

Louise’s lecture on the art of interviewing really allowed me to consider what I will do in preparation for conducting my interview on Saturday. So first things first … organisation, I only have a 3 hour time frame in which i can film this interview so I must ensure that I am prepared and ready to go. I will begin this by creating a folder where I keep all the relevant release forms such as location and participant, I will also include the storyboard and my list of questions. This will mean when we sit down I will know exactly what I have to shoot, where i need to go and what I’m going to ask. Next I will ensure that before I get my participant to sit down I shall organise the location in my ideal position, this may include moving furniture around etc. but I will have each of my spaces ready and prepared.  Another important component will be the setting up of equipment, the night before I will ensure the battery has full charge and that the sim card is empty. Then on the day I shall set up the tripod, organise the lighting, the audio and the camera into place, I will also quickly test out al these components with the subject to ensure that its looks the way I want. To make the participant feel comfortable I will make general conversation before the interview such preparing them for what will happen but ultimately I want the answers to be unplanned and authentic so the subject will not know the questions prior to the interview.

This is my first interview that I have filmed before so in planning for this I did some research into interviews that I thought were effective and that engaged me. Youtube channel Jacksgap, uploaded a series called ‘Following Heart’ of 3 or 4 interviews of different people that they found interesting. SOURCE: Jacksgap youtube channel 


This included a violinist, an artist, a shark conservator and …, I really loved that these interviews were not just random questions about a persons life but they had a focus or theme to them. This really intrigued me as the whole interview was based around one point and instead of skimming the surface they really delved deep into the persons life which was much more personal and exciting to watch. In this sense I have drawn my inspiration from this and the interview I am conducting will be on my participants music career, his goals, hardships and successes. Another thing that I really enjoyed was how the piece was edited together there were only small parts where you could physically see the person sitting down and talking the rest was used as audio and paired with footage of their talent. this not only gave a visual to what they were talking about but it changed up the environment which thoroughly engaged its audiences. This is another component I will use within my interview, as I want to show who my subject is as a person but I want to use different shots to showcase this.

Im very excited to conduct this interview and hoping my pre preparations will assist in a smooth shoot, no matter the outcome I will learn from this task and use this to push my filming in the future.

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