So for my class Networking Media otherwise known as #NetMed2016 I have decided to incorporate two things into my blog, the first is a brief discussion and reflection on the lectures and classes that I attend. I shall include my comments and thoughts on the topics we cover and how this links to external experiences and ideas I encounter. I also want to use this class to develop my blogging and use this platform as a way to further showcase my interest in film and TV. This may include blogs about my journey, including what i get involved in within the media industry. I may use this as a way to discuss articles, directors/producers, film reviews and other things that I have a general interest in amongst the film and TV area. As I student in the media 1 class, we are also using a blog to discuss lectures, workshops, readings and writing initiative post’s, this will be combined with my Networking Media blog and my Film and TV blogs to ultimately showcase my joinery through university, what I learn and what I experience.
Throughout this course I want to learn and develop my skills in all aspects that will assist me in the career of film and TV. This is what I am working towards and is where I would like to end up after the completion of this course Bachelor of communication (media).