What is media?
- There are many forms (newspaper, film, radio, TV, movies)
- a communication between creator and view
- fact/fiction (stories/ real)
- New media vs. old media (always adapting and changing through time)
- social media
- technology
- guide, shape public opinion
- expose human nature (art culture, information)
- reception (audiences and interpretation)
- influencing cultural identity
- omnipresent
- ethical/moral responsibility
- media power and control (ownership, censorship, government,in the home, ratings, effect on the viewer)
- entertainment
- information
- stuff (public) out there in the world
Week 2 – electoral exercise – ‘media is everywhere’ noticing audit, our group were sent off to the state library to observe and record all media forms and comm
unication that were around us.
This immediately started as we crossed the zebra crossing on the way to the library, we were presented with a skit of two men running into each other with giant phones all to promote safe travel, we then received a small brochure at the other side of the road.
We observed many forms of advertisements and posters just from standing in front of the library, they were on billboards, buildings, trams, cafes etc. some were advertising movies, phone companies etc. To record what we saw our whole group used our i-phones to capture photos and record sounds. Many of the people that were sitting around the library were on some sort of media form whether that be i-phones, lapto
ps or listening to music, a fair amount of individuals were using more than one of these media forms at the same time.
In walking around the library area we saw a giant advertisement on the ground, this was plastered to the floor which we immediately saw as we were all looking down on our phones anyway. This we discussed must have been a target to individuals in our society today due to the factor that we as a whole are constantly looking down on our phones.
When grabbing some lunch we went into a taco shop and music was being played, this was a Spanish song but gave an authentic feel to the restaurant.
During the process of “noticing” media forms it became very evident the importance of media in peoples lives, nearly every interaction involved a smartphone, laptop, music or something written and visual e.g book/advertisement. It was strange how during our day to day lives we simply do not recognise how much people use media, yet in observing what other people do we noticed just how consumed we are by the media around us. Advertisements whilst not always payed deep attention too are always there are a subtle way of implementing a thought or trigger to engage us with a certain product. Likewise with our smartphones which are rarely not used, they now have a much broader use such as music, maps, notes, phone calls, texts, google, the internets, social media etc. The more we began looking for media around us the more we found.