A1 : FOLIO ITEM – Never judge a person by their letterbox

I’ve honestly never given much thought to letterboxes. What they could mean to a person or a household or what they might say about a person or a household. They’re a funny little thing, almost everyone has one – how else would we get our mail! When I decided to set out and photograph a few for this assessment, I really was impressed with how much effort people put into them…or not. I initially considered ordering the photos into the socio-economic status of suburbs to show how our social class even effects our choice of letterbox but the more I photographed, the more I realised that doesn’t ring true. A classic example of this is number 21 and number 24 below. Number 21 is clearly in a wealthy part of town with their iron gates and booming pillars, their letter box is subtle but still blends well with their exterior. On the other hand, you could be forgiven for thinking that number 24, is on the other side of town in the not so wealthy part, with the pile of dead palm fronds and wispy letterbox. When in reality, these letterboxes were adjacent to each other, and number 24 looked like a much more expensive house. In the end, I decided to order them from 1 to 25 so that it’s left to the viewer to decipher who these letterboxes might belong to, although, I think we can all agree the number 1 clearly belongs to a household that loves to get on the beers.

Very little post-production went into these photos apart from some straightening here and there to balance out the frame. I was going to play around with colour and brightness but decided against it. I think the green’s seen in the grass and trees are good indicators of the photos being taken in a location with a wetter or ‘tropical climate and didn’t want to take away from that with editing. For future practice, I would improve upon framing and taking more time when taking the shots.

The remaining photos of this collection can be found at:

Word count: 345

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