Assignment 2 by Luyi Ye

1. Development of your Long Form Narrative Idea You need to give a snapshot of your long form narrative idea by providing the following: Title Format (eg. feature film, TV series) Genre Main Character bio – who is your protagonist and what will their journey be? Do they have a goal to achieve? An obstacle to overcome? What will they learn? How will they grow? One paragraph synopsis – use Screen Australia guide here (Links to an external site.) Development research – using at least TWO scholarly references (in RMIT Harvard referencing style) discuss how you plan to develop your idea, what development methods might you use? (eg. how will you develop the story world? The characters? The structure? (minimum 400 words for this development research section)

Title format :feature film- ‘locker room’

Genre Main Character bio-

Anna dina and Will hubb are my protagonists, their journey will happen in high school when students are in adolescence but this story is negative turned positive. The obstacles they need to overcome are the psychological trauma caused by the domestic violence of their origin and the release of the psychological barriers.They will learn that their mental health is important and that they are against bullying in schools. A person is meant to live for themselves and should not be led astray by their family. They will help each other through the two sides, learn to think for each other and finally out of the gloom so as to grow.

One paragraph synopsis-

Will, in his adolescence, is often scolded by his father, causing him to have psychological problems, and he tries to bully his classmates in high school to gain psychological comfort. Anna is often teased by Will because of her fat appearance, such as throwing her stationery box into the trash, verbally attacking her, and ostracizing her classmates. But Anna is not only a mature girl but she never feels bad because of such a small conflict, she thinks more about sympathy for Will’s suffering and decides to help him out. Anna then becomes a light in Will’s life, and he becomes a part of the fight against bullying in school and is sorry for all his previous actions.

Development research-

I planned to portray Anna as a positive character and portray her as a mature girl, with positive energy and a positive outlook on life. This is in contrast to Will’s character, who is the antagonist. Anna follows Will home secretly because she wants to know if there is an abuser in Will’s family who is constantly bullying her. Smith(2018)suggests that, “bullying can also obviously be verbal , insults, threats, demeaning comments.” Even if will would insult her appearance, throw her stationery box into the trash or even knock Anna down with his shoulder. She doesn’t feel embarrassed by the bullying either. She thinks more about helping the abuser turn into an appealing person. She is not a saint, but she does what she can to help. She took pity on Will after she knew that he would be regularly beaten by his father. While you have one flaw or another, you may also have a trait that others envy.

Anna would often talk to Will alone, but Will would always avoid it, but everyone is not a bad person inside, they just need someone to guide them to be themselves. Until one day it was raining and Will couldn’t go home without an umbrella, Anna held the umbrella with her left hand and took him by the hand with her right hand and said she would take him home. At that moment, the world seemed to stand still, and he was very grateful to have someone who understood him. It was also that conversation that changed Will for the better. As Nassem states that, “you can use the ‘Empathetic understanding’ strategy to allow students, pupils and staff to enhance their understanding of each other’s perspectives and to understand the underlying causes of their behavior. underlying causes of their behavior.” So Anna found an opportunity to get Will and her to learn more about each other in order to fight school bullying.

The ending of this story needs to be positive because school bullying is becoming more and more common nowadays, and it is a nightmare that is weighing on the minds of many parents and children.


  1. Smith, Peter K. The Psychology of School Bullying. Milton: Routledge, 2018. Web.
  2. Nassem, Elizabeth. The Teacher’s Guide to Resolving School Bullying : Evidence-Based Strategies and Pupil-Led Interventions. London ;: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2020. Print.

2. Development of your Proof of Concept Idea You need to give a snapshot of the proof of concept project idea that speaks to your long form narrative idea by providing the following: Title (this can be different from your long form idea title) Format (eg. short film, web series) Main Character – will you use the same protagonist? If so, how is this character similar? What is their journey in the proof of concept? How is it similar to the long form idea whilst still being its own shorter standalone character journey? One paragraph synopsis – use Screen Australia guide here (Links to an external site.) (this isn’t the same synopsis as your long form idea)

Title- short film ‘Alone’

Main Character-

Lucy lene is a self-centered personality who likes to be alone and does not like to make friends.

Linda isela is a transfer student who has a very cheerful personality.

The main character changes from a girl who likes to be alone and has low self-esteem to an outgoing person who loves life. It shares the same idea as long from in that it is a call to action against bullying in schools.

One paragraph synopsis-

Lucy grew up in a poor family but excelled in her studies, so she saved her family a lot of trouble. Although she was ostracized by some girls who were jealous of her grades and good looks, she has always preferred to be alone and is used to this life. In fact, she is longing for a change. She sometimes feels too lonely to have a friend to talk to until Linda comes along. Lucy is transformed into a positive girl who no longer has low self-esteem.

3. Justification and Rationale for your Proof of Concept Idea (400-500 words) Why did you choose this format for your proof of concept idea? Why do you think this short narrative idea will ‘prove’ the concept for your long form idea? What about your long form idea do you think might be challenging to pitch and sell to producers? How does your proof of concept project show that the challenges of your long form idea are viable, achievable, and exciting?

I choose this format for your proof of concept idea because it’s simpler than a TV series to express my central idea. I think this short narrative idea will ‘prove’ the concept for your long form idea because my subject matter revolves around an idea to write my story, such as my short narrative idea and long form idea both are school bullying so their concepts are consistent.

One of the biggest problems in contemporary society is bullying in schools, and if I were to write a film about this kind of issue I think I would need to consider a lot of issues and face a lot of challenges. My subject matter needs to be realistic and more heartfelt and positive to make people more inclusive. I don’t think the subject matter should be too gory because it’s easy to get carried away with the psychological issues of teenagers so I need to think carefully about the content part of the subject matter. They may think that without the gore there is no point but I think it needs to be mainly healthy content. So my long form idea might be challenging to pitch and sell to producers. My poof of concept project show that the challenges of my long form idea are viable, achievable, and exciting. Through the experiences of the main character, my film urges all young people and parents not only to reject “bullying”, but also not to be “spectators” or “accomplices” and to stand up for themselves. The film has a clear stance and a clear message, which serves as a good warning and is thought-provoking. Bullying in schools is an act of bullying, verbal humiliation and even assault between peers. However, my story is also about the psychological state of the perpetrator who turns from an abuser to an advocate for everyone to speak out against bullying in schools. It will also resonate with schools to make them more vigilant against such bad behaviour. Through my poof of concept project, I have conveyed positive energy to the whole society. I really hope that our compulsory education will not only focus on grades, but also on the development of children’s mental health. Parents and teachers should teach their children to reject bullying in a more correct way, and to be the main messenger of bullying. In particular, parents should focus more on how they can be better parents and have better interaction and care with their children. My poof of concept project can mapped out many issues which are school bullying, family reasons, mental health and so on. One person cannot somehow be the perpetrator of violence so every aspect of life is relevant.

4. Reflection (300 words) You will need write a reflection on the exercise highlighting your learning, and challenges you had to overcome. What did you learn from this exercise? (get specific and use examples) What were the challenges you overcame in completing the assessment? How has this exercise started you reflecting on your career as a filmmaker, and your long form idea moving forward?

Making films is a huge part of modern day society, It allows us to be expressive, tell a story or communicate information. We need filmmakers to carefully piece together a directors vision and produce eye-capturing, and beautiful films. Without filmmakers, we would have no movies, TV programmes, documentaries or music videos. There would be no way for the news to run and, as a result, no way for us to remain connected to each other, and to the outside world.

In this exercise, I learned how to think and write a ‘long term’ idea or ‘the proof of concept’. I don’t think it’s hard to get an idea in my head. It’s hard to turn that idea into a story. The main content of the story can only be an idea and then write around it. For example, Krista is a Proof of Concept for feature film ‘Beast Beast’ (2020), the example is week 3 class1 page12, we can know the main idea of the feature film ‘Beast Beast’ is Krista who is not only the heroine but also the main clue throughout the movie. I think it teach me how to write ‘the proof of concept’. Although it’s a little hard to think about a particular event because our brain can’t focus on one event and may have many ideas, this exercise made me focus more on one idea and extend that idea into a better story. I think as a filmmaker, I need to think more than others, such as how to come up with a good story and then how to develop the story content and not stray from the topic. When I am a film producer, I need to analyze and formulate a complete long form idea. I also need to learn to use video editing software to organize digital footage of TV shows, movies, music videos, documentaries, or news and sporting events, work with producers to determine the overall vision of the production, and discuss shooting and editing techniques to improve each scene. How to be a good filmmaker is a great knowledge, which requires not only independent thinking ability but also creative and analytical ability. Although my summary experience is not much, this exercise can help me to have a deeper understanding of ‘the Proof of Concept’ and my long form idea.

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