The Grey Space – Workshop

the grey space in-between...
elliot explains the deadliness of copyright

elliot explains the deadliness of copyright

I am trying to think of a clever way to convey the information and exercises we do on a Friday to my readers but it is proving difficult. Side note, make sure you download the above album by Horrowshow, awesome lyrics and was written when they were just in high school. ANYWAY! I have an idea for next weeks class but I don’t want to waste it this week. O whatever, lets get this out of the way. Elliot engaged in a class discussion extending off the ideas presented in the lecture about copyright and the laws and ideas surrounding it. We touched on many ‘grey areas’ meaning the legal outcomes can be very difficult to determine, however generally in these situations, the company or individual with the most moneys is going to win 🙁

Unfortunately for my classmates I got really into this discussion, leaving them to listen to the sound of my droning voice for at least 45 minutes. Left them ‘enthralled’ as can be seen below…

matt, ash and meg with their 'engaged' faces

matt, ash and meg with their ‘engaged’ faces

Then it was onto more serious topics which seemed to put the class into a frenzy, despite Isabella’s constant Harry Potter distractions. Elliot gave us a proper example of what the HTML test will be like seen below. Essentially we have to have an understanding of how the framework of a basic HTML site works so things like headings, hyperlinks, images, bold text etc. I thought it was actually going to be a lot more but this doesn’t seem so bad.

coding n uploading

coding n uploading

So I came home and attempted to replicate what we did in class. I put the following code into TextWrangler;

<h1>Le Heading</h1>
<i>A <a href=“”>link</a></i>
<img src=“”
<strong> THE END. </strong>
Then saved it and went to the web browser to be confronted with this…


The image I am attempting to insert into the HTML code is this following which I took but it is being linked through google images off Facebook so I am wondering if that is where the problem lies. Either that or I haven’t closed the code off properly.

bring back willem!

bring back willem!

If anyone knows how to fix this please let me know, but I am sure it is just a minor issue. That is all I have to say about that.



worth a watch

“Most people live life on the path we set for them, too afraid to explore any other. But once in a while people like you come along who knock down all the obstacles we put in your way. People who realize freewill is a gift that you’ll never know how to use until you fight for it. I think that’s the chairman’s real plan. That maybe one day, we won’t write the plan, you will.” – Harry

The Adjustment Bureau (2011)

Essay vs A Formula For Something We Don’t Even Know Why We Are Writing – Reading 03.02

more than likely the latter. (latter; a word often used in high school essays to save writing time)

Wow. Another interesting University reading. Perhaps my ideas about how and why uni functions is slightly misplaced, but lets save that for another post entirely.

There isn’t much to say about this reading other than, it makes so much sense! In high school I often questioned our english teachers of why we had to write in a certain way that did not seem natural and why we had to adhere to a bunch of rules and topics that skewed all our writing into some random argument that we weren’t entirely sure why or how we were arguing. One time an english teacher simply said to me, “look you have to do it, I think its outdated and stupid but unfortunately I do not write the syllabus.” Blunt…

I liked how the article discussed things like real essays should contain answers, surprises, be more engaging and story like than anything else. This is REAL writing. If you can only write in one way, what is the point? Are you really going to email a potential boss with a topic sentence, two sentences of analysis, linking sentences and a conclusion? No because no one would want to read that and its wwwaaayyyy too much effort. A friend of mine said he was struggling with this blogging assignment because he could only write in essay format, and that my blogging sounded more conversational whereas his was more boring to read. We soon found out that after a bit of trial and error he was easily able to establish a fun, engaging and comedic writing style, but it was more interesting than anything that his default style was that of high school essay writing and that was something he just jumped straight to and wasn’t happy with. Food for thought teachers out there 😉


The Paradigmatic Shift – Reading 03

"If an item does not appear in our records, it does not exist."

Is it a bad thing that the first image that came to mind when I began this reading about literacy and network literacy was the Star Wars library and the scene where Obi Wan Kenobi is looking for the Kamino system? Course not, Star Wars is awesome! Sorry, distracted straight from the get go. I don’t know why RMIT has been holding back on these readings until second semester?! The readings in semester one made me want to drop out, these readings however are somewhat engaging and interesting. I think this is due to the fact that many of them are written in a more informal sense due to the nature of our blog writing, making them, well, a bit more fun, for lack of a better word. Anyway, lets get into it.

its not exactly the matrix

its not exactly the matrix

The reading essentially looks at basic learning skills, for example borrowing a book from the library and referencing it somewhere else and taking this into the online world of the internet to engaging in network literacy. Network literacy can essentially be defined as a understanding of the internet, equal to that of print and the ability to use share and obtain information and be able to categorise and weave it together. That might sound a bit scary but it really isn’t as bad as it seems. Much of this is done subconsciously, especially for those of us lucky enough to be born in this technological era. I’m doing it write now! I’m linking and weaving information, sites, references and probably many other things together to make one place where many bits of info can be obtained. Sure I don’t have an intricate understanding of what goes on in the coded hacky matrix like world of the internet but it doesn’t matter. As long as I have a basic understanding of how I can collate, display and have programs work together, we are sweet!

Now while I don’t have to plug into the matrix, access the construct and find a telephone there are a few things that I can put my Neo-like skills to. This blog, as the article suggest can become a basic work or school day. Projects with classmates, and social things that I want to do can all be found here and in nice neat categories. A simple day on a blog can just be like borrowing that same book from the library. Communication between different services like flickr, instagram, Facebook etc is what makes blogging so easy, and that is what the article is trying to get across. Blogging may very well be the way of the future, and this doesn’t mean throw out all your favourite books but the convenience and easy access is what makes it such a pleasure to use.

And I put the link down below, how nice was that. (let RMIT deal with that copyright crap)


I Am Running The Lecture…Therefore I Am Right – Lecture 03

silence other media teachers!

Copyright, Structure, Laws, Adrian. So I haven’t been to many lectures in my time, but this is the first one in a long time that I have genuinely been interested in. Gotta give credit where credit is due and Adrian made this lecture interesting for me. Don’t get me wrong some of it was still pretty boring but the fact that Adrian unleashes his opinion to run about the room and trample anything and EVERYTHING in its way, most notably the thoughts and examples of the other lectures who sit there like minions, only asked to talk when spoken to and even then, can be cut off at any point without warning. I got many a chuckle out of it.

I did however take away some academic information other than Kenton’s fresh chord jacket seen below.

dem chords though

dem chords though

Adrian started out by discussing traditional conceptions of what matters, to us as students and a the general media community, that is to say, when and where you are born determines what matters to you ethically about technology and the laws that come with the power of the internet. He went on to discuss the properties of a blog and that they do not follow the conventional story structure since they are in reverse chronological order and they are borderless. How is one to determine where my blog begins and ends especially when much of the time blogs link out to other sites.

“We are not in Kansas anymore” – Adrian, lol. The main crux of the lecture was about copyright. Where does it become stealing and when do you need permission? Well basically all the time. If you don’t have permission you run the risk of being fined. A main point was that if you are making money from somebody else’s work then that is a problem. Also if you are hurting somebody or another companies reputation that is a problem as well. When students began to ask Adrians ‘panel’ any questions at all the panel was often cut off mid sentence or we would hear things such as “O no that is just an example” or “Half the advice you have here is right, half of it is wrong”. Doesn’t get much more blunt than that.

Adrian told a story about a student who made a film and entered it into Sundance film festival. The song Rocky Mountain High was playing the film and when the owner saw the video in the audience the student was sued for something like half a million dollars and as it stands is still trying to pay it off at 7/11! That is the kind of crazy stuff that goes on in this industry.

what if it is free?

what if it is free?

Something that came to mind for me was what about sites like Bandcamp and Soundcloud? In many instances songs are available for free download. How does this effect media students using them in videos? What about remixed songs? If you have the rights of a dj to use a remixed song, what about the person who wrote the original? These are all very important, especially for students like us who could one day be employed to make videos and films for companies.

Bottom line is when it comes to blogging, try not to piss people off and take credit for things that are not yours. If you are unsure play it safe. No one wants a million dollar fine sleuthing its way into our letterboxes.


TGI Fridays (Had To Be Said At Some Point) – Workshop

This image refuses to rotate...

Well here we are again, Network Media, a class of misfits and media nerds from far and wide. Not far enough however to know how to make HTMLs and things of that nature. Powered by my ricotta and pumpkin ravioli I found I could achieve the list of tasks for todays class with little effort, and enough energy still remaining for the regular partying that will undoubtedly occur on a friday night.

dat backyard though

dat backyard though

Before we had even begun our learning, Berk announced to the class that we would be deferring and travelling to Turkey for over a month?! I know right, so saddening but Berks backyard had to go global at some point so we wish him best of luck with tackling the variety of weeds and pest in Turkey. We all hope to see some fresh Kebabs being planted.

So Elliot gave us a basic overview AGAIN on the assignments for the semester for all the sloths that missed the last class and we then proceeded with navigating around blog problems we had all encountered and some basic coding exercises. It is essential that we get these skills down failing the HTML tests will result in a a failure of the subject…so awks, not for me but yea, pretty hefty stuff.

Cats be starin us down

Cats be starin us down


working hard or hardly working?

working hard or hardly working?

Speaking of AWKS! HOW ARE YOU SOPHIE!? Sophie got us off with to a great start with her questions such as “Wait what?” and “How do I use this tablet?” Despite her lacking skills in some aspects of technology Sophie was able to quickly catch on and was blogging away by the end of the lesson. Where we have a good understanding of technology, she can actually write good, ugh, I mean WELL, WELL, so the joke is on us. To learn more about Sophie visit the Green Machine’s blog below or follow the hashtag #helpsophie


We finished off we how to add ourselves to the blogroll and took a look at some other blogs such as Elliot’s found in the link below. I found it interesting how even after just a few weeks, across the media course it is already somewhat competitive in regards to blog presentation and content. BLOG ON!
