Microsoft OneNote 2013 – note taking software – Try or Buy

For anyone who needs a bit of extra organisational assistance in their lives try Microsoft OneNote, I find it extremely helpful from getting all the crap in my small brain onto a program so I can assess it anytime without stress!

Will be doing a blog about it soon!
available for free on the app store
from Facebook

Elliots New Haircut – Lecture 04

if anyone knows how to fix these upside down iPhone pics, let me know!

I often think both students and teachers alike fall into a trap of ‘it is a potential educational argument/topic, therefore we must pursue it’ when much of the time this is not the case. I think the best part of arguments, especially educational ones is what comes out of them, not when two people walk away from each other both thinking that their individual opinions are better than the person they were just verbally bashing. In todays lecture we covered many topics such as the reliability and validity of different sources, perspectives and opinions being granted access into online sources, the art of bullshitting and noisy eaters. I’d like to focus on the idea of the massive expansion of literacies and form vs content.

could he be any louder with that sandwich?

could he be any louder with that sandwich?

I think people would agree that the transition from high school to tertiary education (university in particular) makes students feel as if they need to be super opinionated, join all these random groups, sign yellow pieces of paper and dispute other opinions because they feel theirs is right. In high school it was more a feel of ‘lets get this over and done with’ and ‘students hang tight’ kinda feel. Uni is very different, and that almost ignorant attitude, or the surfy kid who just wants to get good marks and move on to the next thing has totally gone out the window. Adrian talked much about understanding and the loss of power one has when third parties are allowed to do our work for us, or when we hire them out, we become a slave to these external sources. Honestly, who cares? I don’t care if I use the visual box feature on WordPress as a pose to the text HTML feature, as long as it works that is all I care about. However, it is not as if I do not understand the perspective of having a greater understanding or more well rounded knowledge is advantageous. I totally agree with this. When the computer guy used to come over to the house, and I’m sure other teenagers experienced this, that they are the ones talking to the ‘third party’ not the parents as they do not understand this talk about gigabytes and wireless traffic etc. Perfectly valid, but really with the advances in technology there is really nothing stopping me from…well anything?

I don’t get where this argument starts and begins. I am not a slave to anybody, and then someone really self righteous person comes along and says ‘you are a slave to our economic system, the uni’s, your parents’ etc. See, its just arguments for arguments sake. We really don’t need to concern ourselves with such things. If everyone understood everything then there would be a lot of job loss wouldn’t there to start with. As humans we are here to educate ourselves but there is no reason you have to know certain things or do certain tasks. Free will is a thing yes, and laws and restrictions apply but this is just blowing the original lecture topic out of proportion. No one cares about enslavement to third parties because that is a paranoid approach. Those lucky enough to be at university are capable of educating themselves about more than one topic. Fuss for no reason really, but makes for great blogging 🙂



Working For The Man – E.C.I

"because the world is run by the man"

Why is work, much of the time so shit? I’ll tell you what is worse than working is looking for work. Sending out resumes every 2 minutes, writing thousands of cover letters and then you hear back from maybe 2 businesses if you are lucky. Why is it that so many jobs have such specific requirements. I want to have a go and learn in that industry, but I need 3 licenses and need to know how to rewire the whole company network incase the electrician is sick one day…I mean really.

all I hear

all I hear

It is at this point in time that most students and young people realise they will do almost anything to get a job. ANYTHING! You start out with pride and ambitions, you want a good job that you will enjoy, has flexible hours and a great pay rate. HA! Any second year student or adult for that matter will simply laugh in your face. BUT, you continue to pursue because you have that one stupid annoying friend who has the dream job. They are a door to door salesman that gets paid stupid amounts, or a photographer who sets his own hours and rates. BULLSHIT REF! Eventually though you get a job offer from you 157th preference and you take it out of fear that you may not get anymore offers and definitely no more money from your parents.

The system we have in place just doesn’t seem to function well does it? So many people working jobs that they hate and jobs being so hard to obtain in the first place. Granted, all of us can be a little lazy and not apply for a few days etc but in the end its just so frustrating. Photographers will amazing skill sets for example can find it near impossible to get a paid gig so they end up working behind a coffee machine for the next 5 years. Not ok.

That being said, we all need to do some hard yards at some point. If you have to get up at 6 everyday so be it. We keep working that so we can go on spending so we in turn can go on working. It is all about how you work around it, stick it to the mana and find a job and system that works for you. Now I have acquired almost 3 jobs that work in with my week and my skills and soon I shall have enough money to expand my media business. Go inspire someone with your decisions 🙂


who do you think you are?

To see some crazy Harry Potter fans blog and to wish her a happy birthday for this coming friday visit Isabella’s blog below!