Dare I say that I loved a University weekly reading? No, of course not. I think it will be a while before dc and marvel comics are our prescribed texts however I did enjoy the concepts in this weeks reading. The reading was about what I am doing write now, penning or typing my thoughts for a public audience…blogging. Moreover, the reading explained how blogging in education can be used especially for media students to gain an understanding in media literacy and to create an online identity.
The whole time while going through this reading I couldn’t help but think of Freedom Writers. If you haven’t seen Freedom Writers with Hilary Swank I demand that at the end of this sentence you go watch it and then come back to continue reading this post and to comment below what you thought of the movie. A very sad and moving film, there is a segment where Hilary, or Erin the character she plays asks her students to keep a journal. They can write whatever they wish and they will only be read with the students permission. Subsequently, we see there students write about their most inner and hidden ideas, secrets and memories, most of which are very confronting.
I am not suggesting that we as media students should do this but I was merely drawing the parallels between aspects of the movie and this assignment. I think there is much to be gained from this blog assessment but only as much as a student is willing to put in. The ability to see the work of others as the article conveys will allows student to see what is deemed ‘excellent’ work and what is considered ‘poor’. In this regard I think there is extra encouragement to want to do well in this assessment because for those who choose this blog can continue outside of tertiary education.