Rockin’ Socks

Socks and sandals have become socially acceptable and I am taking full advantage of that. Now I can wear sandals or open toes shoes all year round without losing my toes to frostbite. I have many pairs of what I call ‘special socks.’ Special socks differ from gym socks, or school socks because they are visually dynamic and perhaps a little impractical. People Friends and family have commented that perhaps I have too many special socks, and that it is a waste of money. I have have sparkly socks, sparkly striped socks, sheer black socks with love hearts, sheer black socks with stars, sheer black socks with polka dots and the list goes on. Collectively, I may have spent a bit of money but if you know where to look they often only cost a few dollars. ASOS is great price wise and they have some interesting designs. The problem . . . I like sheer socks and without a reinforced toe they rip quite easily. The socks in the image below are my favorite, I have them in grey too. It is difficult to tell from the image but they are completely sheer minus the detailing. They aren’t warm at all but I’m not complaining. I purchased them from Kinki Gerlinki a few months ago. I went to three Kinki Gerlinki stores before finding these. I saw sheer socks for the first time last year at Fat and they were around $30.00. My sock obsession had yet to begin and I thought this was a complete rip off, still do. Since purchasing the shoes in the image, I was desperate to find a similar pair of socks though. I thought Gorman or Kinki Gerlinki would be my best bet. Gorman had lovely socks but they weren’t sheer. Luckily for me, I scooped up the last two pairs Kinki Gerlinki had and I haven’t looked back.


The extract from J. Douglas’ ‘The End of Books – Or Books Without End?: Reading Interactive Narratives’ looks at interactive narratives. I likened these to ‘choose you own adventure’ narratives in a previous post and Adrian corrected me – “hypertext is multilinear, whereas choose your own adventure is linear, with different linear options.” Interactive narratives still don’t appeal to me but apparently there are many people who “desire for the inexhaustible story, the mystery that unspools with a fresh cast of suspects instead of gliding quickly through its denouncement to a limited conclusion.” “The book that changes every time you read it” simply doesn’t appeal to me like it does to Douglas. Like Adrian, Douglas makes a clear distinction – “Yet this is no simple ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ scenario where readers can see for themselves that they have exhausted whatever possibilities the narrative held.” Does this mean that the possibilities/endings are endless? Adrian addressed this in a post (thankfully).

Despite the appeal of reading digital hypertext, Douglas says “it is hardly likely that digital media like hypertext are going to supersede books.” I appreciate this stance. I am so sick of people saying things like books are dead or journalists are a dying breed. Humans, like technologies, will adapt and evolve depending on society’s needs. Someone will always be needed to report the news. Douglas used the example of television looking for a niche with the advent of cinema. They found it in video tapes, taking the cinema and putting it on the small screen. Similarly “books as a technology have evolved over the course of hundreds of years through innovations life spacing between words, tables of contents and indices, standardized spelling and grammar etc.” “If the book is a highly refined example of a primitive technology hypertext is a primitive example of a highly refined technology.”

For the full extract: The End of Books — Or Books Without End?: Reading Interactive Narratives

“hypertext as a lens”

This week we took another look at George Landow’s ‘Hypertext 3.0: Critical Theory and New Media in an Era of Globalisation.’ Here is something I found useful

“Hypertext narrative clearly takes a wide range of forms best understood in terms of a number of axes, including those formed by degrees or ratios of

  1. reader choice, intervention, and empowerment
  2. inclusion of extra linguistic texts (images, motion, sound)
  3. complexity of network structure
  4. degrees of multiplicity and variation in literary elements, such as plot, characterisation, setting, and so forth”

I like that Landow talks of ‘degrees or ratios’ of form. This way the different forms don’t become too limiting.

Prior to this reading, I would imagine a jumbled mind map whenever the work hypertext popped up. Perhaps this was due to a limited understanding of the concept, but I thought information could become easily lost within hypertext. This, however, was cleared up for me when Landow stated that “hypertext, the argument goes, makes certain elements in these works stand out for the first time.” This isn’t a surprise when you think about the potential of links to highlight information.  “This approach therefore uses hypertext as a lens, or a new agent of perception, to reveal something previously unnoticed.”

For more:

Week 5 Non-Symposium

Due to the National Tertiary Education Union calling a strike, we were provided with three YouTube links instead of a symposium. Like the previous symposiums, these links involve thinking about thinking and learning about learning.

The first link ‘Do Schools Kill Creativity’ featured Sir Ken Robinson talking about the importance of creativity in education. He believes that we [educators] squander children’s talents. I believe this is particularly evident in VCE. Doing well in VCE is more about remembering and regurgitating facts, then having talent or skill in a particular area. Subjects like legal studies and business management, require little to no interpretation. To do well you simply need to remember the information you have been taught.

Robinson believes that the education system needs to change. It needs to nurture creativity and recognise that it is as important as literacy. He makes a very valid point – educators are educating for a future that they don’t yet know about. For this reason, there is a great deal of unpredictability and a need for creativity. We don’t know what the world, or jobs for that matter, will be like in even five years’ time. Today’s students will need to be adaptable, and having the skill of creativity will ensure this.

On a side note, I found Sir Robinson very amusing. Follow the link to learn more:

Michael Wesch ‘From Knowledgeable to Knowledge’ looks at changing students from being knowledgeable to knowledge-ABLE. This means that rather than dumping students into lecture theatres and relaying information, students should be taught how to create new information. Adrian is demonstrating a similar thought process by moving away from lectures and towards symposiums.  Wesch also looks at new mediums of communication. Such mediums bring new opportunities for transparency and participation but, also new opportunities for control and monitoring. For this reason, we need critical thinking.

For more of Wesch, follow this link:

Given the structure of Michael Wesch’s ‘The Machine is Us/ing Us,’ I found it easier to list the key points rather than summarize them

  • digital text is more flexible than written text, especially hypertext which can link virtually anywhere
  • digital allows form and content to be separated thus, exported free of construction constraints
  • data exchange extends beyond just text and includes images, videos, etc.  
  • we create databases
  • every time we link things we are teaching ‘the machine’ an idea
  • the web links people, not just information

This is a quick piece which conveys the key points in an easy and interesting way. Take a look:



The extract from George Landow’s ‘Hypertext 3.0’ was very long. Luckily, it was straightforward and contained useful information regarding blogging. Landow notes that blogging hasn’t created a new style of writing. It is the same style that has been used in diaries and journals for centuries, it is just the medium within which this writing occurs that has changed. He says that blogging encourages hypertextuality and allows “the active reader-author envisaged by Nelson.” More so than ever, the reader is an active participant. They choose what to read and when, and can leave comments or post links regarding what they have read. Landow writes that hypertext “moves the boundary of power away from the author in the direction of the reader.” This statement makes me a bit uneasy. It is true that allowing readers to leave feedback and comments on your blog, places them in a position of power. As much as I like the idea of receiving feedback, I only really want positive feedback. I suppose I could settle for constructive criticism but receiving ‘hate’ can come along with this. Once you allow comments or participation, you are opening yourself up to the unknown and have therefore lost some power. Correctly, Landow states that the web is an “antihierarchical medium of information.”

For the full extract follow this link:


When it comes to food, I am anything but adventurous. To me, there is nothing worse than paying X amount of dollars for a meal and not enjoying it. But, last Thursday I went out on a limb and reaped the rewards. I was out to lunch celebrating my father’s birthday. We decided to go to ‘porgie + Mr Jones,’ a hip café in Hawthorn. My family have raved about their smashed avocado dish for years, and often try to recreate it. I had only been to porgie + Mr Jones once, years ago for a quick coffee and honey joy. I loved the eclectic yet refined décor of the ex violineri workshop but, hadn’t had the chance to return.

Anyway, Thursday was freezing so I inhaled a generously sized hot chocolate on arrival. I then tossed up between poached eggs with a side of roasted tomato and mushrooms or Shakshuka. Poached eggs, tomato and mushroom is my go to order at any café. I figure it is a dish you can’t really stuff up, and breakfast is great any time of day. Shakshuka, however, is something I had never tried before. For those of you like me who have never come across the dish, it consists of two baked eggs with spiced tomato. Porgie + Mr Jones version also includes slow roasted red onion, silver beet and feta. My desire for warmth saw me gravitate towards the ‘spiced tomato’ but I was unsure if I was prepared to venture out of my comfort zone. I quickly trolled the internet for images and information on Shakshuka, hoping that this would help me make my decision.

You may think that I am being a tad dramatic, and I may very well be, but you simply don’t understand the bad luck I have when it comes to food. Typically, my meal is the last to arrive at the table or what does arrive isn’t what I ordered.  Then I will undoubtedly find something wrong with the dish, a hair, a bone or it will simply not be to my liking. This isn’t because I go to bad cafes or restaurants, because I don’t. Bad food luck just seems to follow me. My friends and family think I look for things to complain about. I am fussy I will give them that, but even they cannot deny that more often than not there is something wrong with my meal.

Now, back to the Shakshuka. The waiter had arrived to take our orders and I was still umming after everyone had placed their order. Then my dad said “come on, we’ll both try the Shakshuka.” Not wanting to disagree with the birthday boy I said okay, and was somewhat relieved that this decision had been taken out of my hands. The dish arrived in a timely manner and the presentation was lovely. The dish was served in a shallow, rustic green bowl. Some sort of thin pita bread accompanied it. The dish itself was lovely, to say the least. The tomatoes and egg melted in your mouth. There was a beautiful crumb scatter over the translucent eggs which provide a crunch. The spice was somewhat sweet and the pita was perfect to mop up all the juices. Added bonus, I didn’t find a hair. It was the perfect winters dish and I am desperate to return. At a reasonable $16.50 it was money well spent, especially because it wasn’t my money.

Though this experience was a pleasant surprise, I don’t think it has cured my trepidation towards new foods. It is however, a step in the right direction.