Week Four Lecture

Here are my ‘take home’ points from the lecture. . .

What separates design fiction from science fiction?

I am glad this question was asked as I was unsure what separated the two concepts. Brian noted that science fiction has a lot to do with technological fetishism, whereas design fiction is interested in the broader context within which technologies fit i.e. communities and institutions.

NEW TERM: ‘Wicked problem’

A ‘wicked problem’ doesn’t have a single answer or even an answer at all. The issue of asylum seekers was used by Adrian to explain this concept. Society has to combat this issue but, there is no clear answer. Design fiction can help to think through this complex issue, by imagining the outcome of new laws or programs.

As content producers is it more important to speculate far into the future or pay more attention to the present?

Elliot made a point about the ability of foresight, which I very much agree with. He said that it is less obvious how a design will unfold if you look too far into the future. Instead, design for the next thing after the next mass invention. This way you can more accurately foresee society’s future needs.


Adrian stated that for any design to be relevant, it needs to be designed for mobile phones. This makes a lot of sense considering that mobile phones have become the medium through which we seem to do . . . well everything. No longer simply a way to call or text, we can now access the internet thus bank accounts, emails and pretty much everything else. For this reason society has become attached to their mobile phones.