Week 9-Week 10

After pitch I was trapped by myself actually. Because at the end of pitch, one of the teacher’s suggestions is to make me try to use surround sound to create an environment-to use sounds to reflect blind spot. So I made such a try. I shot a short video so as to have recorded down many sounds able to be produced by the environment in purpose. Such as sounds of opening a door, walking or a cat’s saying, etc. I have tried to edit them to make them together, but only finding I can only edit two sound tracks-the left one and the right one. So finally I tried to adjust all sounds to make them only have the left and the right sound tracks but failed. Because I realized at last that the surround sound need about five audio tracks. That is my experience.

This is my videos about experiments of sounds which have two editions. The main difference lies in different editing techniques of video images, and I wanted to see which one can highlight sounds more.



Later I took part in a group discussion and then I realized my direction was wrong. I had so much persistence in surround sound. However in fact I need reflect my theme, not be dedicated to thinking about which editing techniques shall be used. Dear Hannah and classmates on the spot, thank you so much for giving me many new thoughts. I can make two videos of the same elements but different editing techniques to express by comparing them that what I have known in both videos. I had new thoughts about sounds, such as that sound tracks appear together with the picture reflecting the blind spot one by one with only one sound track (the left one or the right one). Or all sounds appear with blind spots appearing one by one (to express that blind spots we can see may be one by one but black spots in sounds can appear at the same time).

That work made by me can make people realize in daily life they have neglected many things but can find out more beautiful things in fact with only a little more time cost to observe, with my shooting angle being one person’s daily angle.

Week 11-Week 12

Actually the biggest problem is about sounds. The following is my former video clips.

Audio Player
Audio Player

Sounds are disordered because I shot outdoor, which is different from the experiment I made in the former two weeks indoor able to let me obtain single sound very accurately. So I have to consider to change my thoughts about videos.

Week 13

I just have begun to do film editing this week. Because sounds were too disordered, the contents I made finally is different from what I thought before. I thought of expressing the blind spot by sounds, but sounds are so disordered that I didn’t know how to do film editing to render it not that strange. In addition I planned to edit two videos of the same pictures but different processed music. Due to much too disordered sounds I have recorded, I cannot achieve the sound effect of sounds’ appearing one by one even though through every editing methods I mastered. So I finally directly use a long sound record as my background sound plus a person’s voice of saying “blind spot”. Two videos were nearly the same. The difference is if the “blind spot” was played separately or together with the background sound. For “blind spot” I did a single sound track processing so as to get slightly near to my original thought. At last I made two videos because of not knowing how to do film editing to highlight more the blind spot.