This time, we learned what is the different between listening and hearing, one is a initiative to do, the other is a naturally occurring. also we know what is sound, ‘sound is created by physical vibrations that set molecules in motion, creating sound waves… Continue Reading →
Davide Gauntlett talked about ” learning with media, rather than learning about media” When the process of we learning about the media, we should understand do something is more practical than just say about something. Using the media to create… Continue Reading →
First all all, we talk about what we learn in the reading, but unfortunately i not read it carefully because the holiday i just forget it, so i was not talking about my own viewpoint, but i reading it again… Continue Reading →
Never make a cut without a position reason – Edward Dmytryk. This lecture made me feel better rather than the last one, i truly know what is media and i begin to contact editing. All kinds of media is called… Continue Reading →
i used Adobe Premiere to finished this project, still hard to used because it just the second times that i used this software to editing. in this video i want to who i am, i like smiling, having fun and… Continue Reading →
Blogs in Media Education: A Beginning is wrote by Adrian, M. From the beginning, i am not seriously explored what is a blog when I know the blog . In the past I think the blog is a bit like a diary,… Continue Reading →
i choose the haiku – “No one travels Along this way but I, This autumn evening.” by Basho, Matsuo. from this site: when i making this haiku exercise i made a problem, i was not use a right size… Continue Reading →
Shopwindow is a kind of really useful media to show what the store selling to attract consumers. Billboard, a directly way to tell public what contents we want to spread. Art, also a kind of media The left photo is… Continue Reading →
PHOTOGRAPHY I am LIWAN LI (Vikki), this is a chance to let other classmate know who i am. Here is my rabbit call rabbit hah, so i not really huge a toy to sleep, but i still love she. She… Continue Reading →
The first thing I learn is blog, I realize that blog is important and it gonna accompany me all the time of degree and maybe i gonna use it all my life. But I have not a habit of writing… Continue Reading →
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