Am I A Feminist?

Hurro my Interwebs,

This is kind of a heavy topic that I want to talk about today but it is really close to my heart, and that is: Feminism. Now there are a lot of issues around this topic, and so I’m here to clear some things up for those who might be against feminism for certain reasons or for those who might want to know my outlook on it. Disclaimer: if you don’t agree, that’s okay, I still respect your choices/decisions regarding this topic :3

The first and foremost biggest myth is that feminist hate men, we hate men because we think that they think they’re above us and we’re fighting for a single gender world. WRONG, many wrongs, I don’t hate men, in fact I know many guys who are for feminism. I think it’s unrealistic to fight for a world where men are our “slaves” and end up “beneath” us women. I’m not correct in saying that all feminist out there love men, there are some who regard sex or even having a relationship with a guy as a “non-feminist” behaviour. Some even believe that sex is a form of rape where the guy dominates the girl, which I personally believe is completely untrue.

However a lot of men ask: Well how about you pay for the bills the next time we go out? Open doors for us and make the first move? My response: Fucking fine, I’ll pay your bills, open your doors and make the bloody first move? Why not? Feminism is about diminishing these “cultural rules” that society has set up for us genders. When a 14-year-old boy was raped at knifepoint by a 20-year-old lady, it was feminists to supported him, rather than the men who all told him that he should have “enjoyed” it. Feminism is for the minority (which in this case is women) however it supports anyone who is feeling suppressed by society, gender and cultural values.

So why do we need feminism? We need feminism so that men aren’t constantly told to “grow a pair” and hide their emotions. We need feminism so that women aren’t told to “shut up” and “stay in the kitchen”. We need feminism so that rape culture can be demolished. We need feminism so that I can walk down the road at 2am in the morning and not have some creep cat call me and for my mother to anxiously worry about me getting attacked. We need feminism because society has found a system that is wrong, not only for women but for anyone who doesn’t fit under a “category”

If you want a better understanding of what I’m trying to convey please check out the video below

Why do people say “grow some balls”? Balls are weak and sensitive. If you wanna be tough, grow a vagina. Those things can take a pounding.”
― Sheng Wang

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