Week 2 blogpost (Entangling Media)

Week 2: 6th-12th March responses: 

In this weeks class we looked at Trans media storytelling and ‘convergence culture’. According to Henry Jenkins trans media is media that’s dispersed across multiple platforms that has a universe and allows people to share the universe, not in a way thats redundant but rather complementary.

We also looked at the differences between trans media and multimodal storytelling. Trans media story telling is spread across various media modes whereas multimodal storytelling is all present at the same time and connected to the same space. They both play with form, however a single author is present in telling a multimodal story and multiple people are involved in telling a trans media story.

There was discourse around the benefits of multimodal storytelling.There are an array of benefits, to name a few; It can reach a broader range of people and consumers, it has potential to drill a story in more. There is more depth to the storyline which allows people to challenge conventions. When using different media modes in the same space, audiences emotions are heightened, which makes use of media affordances.


  • What did you notice about the examples of multimodal stories we looked at in class? What media modes and elements did they contain? What did these components bring to the story? What’s the relationship between the different elements in the pieces?

Snowfall was a very engaging, long form narrative we looked at in class. It also happened to be multimodal, the narrative was broken up with images and videos. This gave the consumer agency over the story, as you could choose to read parts and watch parts. The elements it involved weren’t overly interactive as the story unfolded in one way through the act of scrolling downwards. There was text, images, audio and video included in the story. These elements brought value to the story as the reader/viewer could connect multiple forms of media with the one story, emphasising the impact the avalanche had on peoples lives. We knew it was a multimodal story from the get go, as there was a moving image at the top of the page, displaying snowfall, quite a beautiful sight. This gave the consumer some visuals to keep in mind while reading the piece. The relationship between all the elements used enhanced the story as it was backed up with auditory and visual cues. You rely on your memory as you approach aspects of the story alongside visuals and videos you’ve seen.


  • What were some of the similarities and differences in the two multimodal pieces you made? Did one work better than the other? Why do you think this is?

The similarity between the two multimodal pieces I made is that they both follow a similar topic, that being ‘the importance of Carbonara in my family’. However, one is a retrospective video with text and the other is a less linear ‘diary entry’ style pdf that gives background on my family and the significance of pasta for us. I feel as though the video stuck to the brief we were given more, as it included text and moving image to tell the story and it felt more multimodal.

  • What was one idea or concept from this week’s reading that you found interesting in some way, or confusing? Tease it out a bit in your blog post – what do you think it means and how does it apply to the way we’re exploring making work in this studio?

The article proposed ‘Snow Fall’ was a shift in the paradigm of online journalism. No one had ever seen anything like it before, it was a ‘one block’ narrative that offers different peoples stories presented through image, video and audio. The reading suggested the promotion of the story was very unusual at the time it was made. It was an ever changing mediascape – ‘new’ forms borrowing from older forms, similar to the notion that there are ‘no new stories to write’.In the article it suggested that Snow Fall ‘Broke the rules’ but still stuck to the journalism rule of ‘following the story’, in order to conceptualise it and get it made. I found that the reading gave me more insight into the story and raised the question whether media makers should break conventions? and are the changes actually beneficial (and for whom), or are they just for the sake of changing the dynamic in telling stories.

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