- The unconscious and conscious bias women face in the film industry is based off out of date values and norms that should never have come about, it has stopped us all from knowing the name of the womxn who discovered syncronzied sound for film, colour for film and narrative for film. It doesn’t sit right with me that there are so many unattainable and unrealistic expectations brought on by the status quo in electing a ‘leading lady’, does it not you? The commonality of women being a certain way objectively to deserve their dream role is backward and ‘old school’ not in a cool way whatsoever– and how women are politicized in the industry hasn’t changed for the better but rather for the worse.
- Secondly, I wish to challenge the idea that the best films are the longest films, I get so restless when having to sit down and invest 2-3 hours in a film that leaves me forgetting parts of it due to its longevity. There are some films that must be long, but others could be shortened and their overall quality bettered.
- ‘Subtitles’ I want more imbedded into more films so that everyone can engage with both niche and blockbuster film if they wish to– they shouldn’t be something you have to turn on, they should just be there, always. This also brings me to ask for the canon, award ceremonies, golden globes, Emmys, Oscars and the list goes on to involve and appreciate cinema outside of Hollywood not as a novelty or token but as cinema that is shielded from broad audiences due to the culture of Hollywood voting and choosing for Hollywood to keep it ‘Hollywood’ and fiercely categorize film that’s from other pockets of the world as ‘non-Hollywood’. It is exclusive and to be frank, same old’ same old. International film needs to be more publicly awarded- just to be fair and for the representation to be real life.