Observational Writing // Post 2

It was 6 pm and we were on our way to the restaurant. The sun was about to set and she was looking out the window, mesmerized by the pink sky. Suddenly, she turned around, eyes wide-opened.

‘Look, it’s cloud iridescence!’

Everyone looked at her and then followed her eyes. In the sky, there was a small and vivid cloud that looked almost like watercolor. It constantly played hide and seek with other clouds near it, making it hard for everyone to see it clearly.

‘I have spotted cloud iridescence twice this month! Summer skies are always so unexpected.’ she said.

She took out her phone, leaned her body forward to try taking photos of the cloud. It was impossible as the car was moving really fast. The driver eventually slowed down in a deserted street, hoping she could capture the phenomenon with her phone. Turned out, the phone camera could not capture all the faint colors in the cloud through a car window. In the photos, the cloud appeared to be bright orange and the other colors were undetectable.  She didn’t stop trying until we reached the restaurant.

‘I guess I’m lucky enough to just see it with bare eyes twice.’ she said as she walked out of the car.

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