In this post, I will specify the changes I made to gain more views and reveal the results I got. For Assignment 4, I uploaded 2 new videos that focus on a narrow topic which is Asian cuisine in order to target a niche audience.
The topic of the first video is ‘How to make a typical Vietnamese dinner?‘. In this video, I show viewers how to make 4 Vietnamese dinner dishes. In the title, my keywords are ‘Vietnamese dinner’ and the names of the dishes. I also have the names and detailed ingredients of the recipes in the description box. As for upload time, I published the video at 9 PM instead of the afternoon as before. It got 49 views after 24 hours which is almost the number I got for the last video without having to send the link to friends and family. After 1 week, the video achieved 59 views and the analytics show that 20% of the viewers are from the channel page, 21% of them are from the YouTube search and 12% are from browse features. My previous video achieved 77 views after 1 month and the percentages follow at 14%, 9%, and 0%. This video also got 374 impressions with 7% are from YouTube recommendations and the video gained 28 views from impressions. While the previous video had 1.4k impressions, only 1% is from YouTube recommendations and attained 19 views. After I calculated the percentage to numbers, the new video definitely has better results.
The second video’s subject is the recipe for ‘Sweet Potato Dessert Soup’ which is a popular Asian dessert. I also followed the same guide as the last video in order to gain views. After 24 hours, this video reached 29 views. I personally think the reasons it got fewer views than the other 2 videos could be because it only introduced a single recipe. After 3 days, the video got 31 views and the channel page ranks as the most popular traffic source at 25% and the YouTube search stands second at 15.6%. The video analytics only display the impressions for the first 2 days which appears as 170 impressions. Around 6% of them are from YouTube recommendations and the video got 12 views from impressions. Since this is a newer video, I could not compare it to the other 2 videos. However, looking at the statistics, I can see that the changes I made actually worked to gather views.
These statistics suggest that narrowing down the videos’ topic and having appropriate and specific keywords on the title and the description box increase the chances of the video appearing on YouTube recommendations and upon search. Thus, this leads to an increase in views. Through this assignment, I have been able to promote nutritional awareness and expanded my knowledge of how YouTube works. I’m interested to continue uploading videos and explore YouTube even more after this assignment.