Consisting of: “Maxxis” a 2-minute documentary on Max Smith a Melbourne DJ “Smile” a short comedic scene between two friends “Experience the Kimberley” an Instagram reel for Kimberley Day Cruises
Just another media blog
Consisting of: “Maxxis” a 2-minute documentary on Max Smith a Melbourne DJ “Smile” a short comedic scene between two friends “Experience the Kimberley” an Instagram reel for Kimberley Day Cruises
Part 1: Describe what you gained from the studio My outlook on editing has completely changed since the beginning of the semester, I was originally disappointed to be in this studio as it wasn’t my first preference but I have learnt some valuable skills that will help me in developing myself career-wise. At the beginning of the semester, I wrote that “I am more interested in the documentary and commercial side of editing.. Read More