By week 12 we had all our elements of the room sorted and it was time to test, test, test. Playtesting is extremely important in the development of any game to “ensure that the final product meets the expectation of players and developers alike” (Chatterjee 2022). It was absolutely necessary that we did as we ran into some issues, some of these being;

  • Clues containing numbers having 4 digits when our locks only contained 3
  • Sections of clues not being obvious enough to the player
  • Elements not looking cohesive due to each working on different clues







So, we edited a lot of out documents and then I reprinted them, this resulted in a cohesive flow for players of the game.

This week was very important as it was hard to realise these things when looking at the story on an online document. It wasn’t until everything was laid out in front of us that we realised we needed to make changes. At the conclusion of the week we felt confident with our current state and ready for the expo.











Chatterjee S (2022) Why is investing in Game Testing Platforms necessary?, BrowserStack,, accessed 4 June 2023.