Where is the mole???

ok, before i get started, here’s a little warning to you all. i am a tv fanatic. i don’t watch every tv show (although i do watch a lot) but i just tend to get a wee bit obsessed with the ones i do watch. just ask my friends. i can name you every episode of supernatural, almost in order, and tell you what happens in every single one. and there are 200 of them. i can tell you the entire story of lost, almost episode by episode, and all the hidden clues that were in each one. i can also list all 50 states of america and their capitals off the top of my head (no, not tv i know but i just think it’s cool. and pretty useless. but so is pretty much everything i know). anyway, my point was, get ready for a lot of tv posts.

and heres the first. and it’s about the mole. and if my family saw this they would think i was crazy. i am the first one to say that i do not like australian television. ok, don’t count in scripted stuff like offspring or whatever coz i don’t watch any of those. just our reality shows. i just can’t stand them. everything is so overdramatised and exaggerated and dragged on and dumbed down. its like they (you know, those tv people. and yes my plan is to be one despite my obvious disdain) think we’re all stupid. and yes, we probably all are. but only because we’ve been shown this stuff thats made to seem like we’re unintelligent.

let me give you and example. back in (ok, not really sure how long ago this was, assume like 07/08 or something) when biggest loser was all that. we would get the american season and it would be a nice, one hour episode on a sunday night that had a challenge, a couple of exercise sessions, a weigh in and an elimination, all wrapped up in one neat little episode. then take our australian version. we would have and hour long episode on each night from sunday to friday. and oh were they dragged on. everything would be shown from five different angles. you would get video diaries of people describing in unnecessary detail what we had just seen. and we would come back from an ad break to see the exact same footage of the last 5 minutes before the ad break. there were ridiculous temptation challenges that pretty much forced the contestants to eat fatty food and don’t even get me started on that stupid “Stone of doom” advantage. (ok, it wasn’t called the stone of doom but i like the word doom and those stones annoyed me so much). you know what i’m talking about, “the walk” where they picked a stone out of a fish pond and could eliminate a contestant or have some other huge power. why do we need that?

ok, that rant dragged on a bit long. and it’s probably not that last you’ve heard from me on this subject. my actual point for this post was my annoyance tonight at the mole being shifted!!!! yes, it is just as terrible as all those other reality shows that i can’t stand. but i’m hooked. and i need my weekly dosage of suspicion and mole-action. especially because its the american summer hiatus and none of the shows i actually care about are on until october. anyhow, at 9:30, i excitedly ran downstairs to my tv to find some interview with footy peeps has pushed my beloved mole out of this weeks schedule!! i know it’s ratings are horrible and channel 7 is clearly trying to push it away (we had 4, hour and a half episodes in week one and now its just a crazy 2 hours blast out late on a wendesday night) but at least just put it on after or something. but now i have to wait a whole nother week before i can spend two hours shouting different guesses at my tv. yeah, the essendon drug scandal is big news, to those who love footy. but why are those people watching channel 7 at 10:00 on a wednesday night??? its a conspiracy to get at the mole. i just know it. and that footy panel was so awkward to. well, i actually have no idea. i stormed away from the tv in a huff. but thats what i heard from others.

ok, this has probably been a bit too long. i tend to get carried away when i rant. sorry. will try to keep them shorter in the future. but if the mole gets pushed back again i can’t promise anything.