i’ll wear the red hat

yellow was never really my colour anyway. last week in class we put on some imaginary coloured hats and critiqued each other’s videos. well, those who chose to volunteer their’s to be critiqued (i manage to muster up the courage to show mine by the end of class, who knew i had it in me?). and it was interesting. maybe not so much that hat part because there isn’t really much you can say thats too intellectual about 6 second videos about round things. but it was interesting to compare the kinds of videos other people in the class made in contrast to what i made. it just showed how everyone has such different opinions and ideas. and things they can view.

but it was also interesting to see people reactions to them. there was one video (i’m sorry, i don’t remember who’s it was) about shadow that had the silhouette of someone in their bedroom holding what appeared to be a belt. and this was a harmless video. someone was prob in their room, found good light for a shadow and grabbed something to hold against the wall. but everyone’s mind immediately jumped to a very dirty conclusion s we all collectively gasped and squirmed (not really sure how else to describe the reaction). but it was crazy how our minds immediately try to make connections about these sorts of things. so it will be interesting to see, when these all come together to form a connecting video, what kinds of links we will make and what narratives we will form.

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