how many letters in alligator?

so, as usual, i lost an embarrassingly substantial part of my night tonight to the internet, mainly youtube. and i want you to experience what i did so i am going to share it with you.

first off, the funniest game show answers. god, americans are dumb. some of my faves in this bunch (and trust me, watch to the end, they are all great) are “name a yellow fruit” “orange” and “name a 3 letter animal” “alligator”. enjoy

next up, if you’ve ever wanted to know if there’s a full proof way of assuring that you win every round of rock, paper, scissors… here’s your answer.

third, ever wonder why some movies succeed when others don’t? well, it’s because they all have that same sellable plot line. everyone wants the sympathetic hero to beat the villainous baddie. here’s the lo-down on what story line many movie writers use to achieve their hollywood success:

and finally, one of all time low’s first music videos for the song “coffee shop sound track”. i love that these guys don’t take themselves seriously and like to let their fans see that. every one of their videos are so funny because they are not afraid to make a fool of themselves. another great on is the video for “i feel like dancin‘” so check that one out too if you get the time.

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