“As We May Think” – Vannevar Bush


In Vannevars article “As We May Think”, he urges that men of science should attempt to make more accessible our incomprehensive store of knowledge. He asserts in his article that for years inventions have extended mans physical powers rather than the power of their minds. For example; hammers multiply the power of the wrists and microscopes sharpen the eye.

Now, according to Dr. Bush, inventions are at hand which have the ability for man to have access over the heritable knowledge of the ages. Additionally, scientists have worked together, sharing their knowledge, rather than creating a war, in order to work in effective partnership.

Lasting benefits of man’s use of science and newly invented instruments include:

  • Increased control of the material environment
  • Improved food, clothing, shelter
  • Increased security
  • Increased knowledge of humans biological processes so that he has a progressive freedom from disease and an increased span of life.
  • Overall improved mental health
  • Science has had the ability to provide swift communication between individuals.

Vannevar, believes that our methods of transmitting and reviewing the results of research are generations old. History shows that although inventors had the right ideas, the economic situation were against them. For example, two centuries ago Leibnitz invented a calculating machine, but it could not come into use because the labor involved in constructing it exceeded the labor to be saved by its use.
Nowadays however machines can be constructed with great economy and effort. According to Vannevar, “The world has arrived at an age of cheap complex devices of great reliability.”

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