Mobile phones have revolutionised how consumers access media content. They have changed the way we access and read news because they are convenient, portable and produce real time news, ahead of TV’s and newspapers.
It is now possible to check the news online for free instead of buying a newspaper everyday.
Additionally, newspapers and magazine have created apps which offer the publisher a means of charging for the content that their websites produce for free.
Statistics have shown that we spend the most time out of our day on our computers, however this is very closely followed by our mobile phones, which are ahead of TV! According to the same statistics the average mobile web user consumes 7.2 hours of media daily and mobile devices represent a whopping 27% of this time!
Mobile devices are used throughout the day à when we are lying in bed, waiting for something, while watching TV, commuting for example on public transport, spending time with family, in the bathroom, while shopping and even at social gatherings!
Mobile content consumed by various genders is relatively equal across all platforms, for example both males and females spend approximately the same amount of time on social media, entertainment and games
Additionally, mobile phones have the ability to impact consumer behaviours throughout the purchase path by introducing you to something new, providing you with a better option and informing you of nearby products.