Week 2 Blog – Lachlan BahrÂ
After being introduced to the ADM+S focus areas I was immediately drawn to the News + Media focus area. I was drawn to this area as I found the clash which arose between the positive outcomes and the possibly negative outcomes which could arise from ADM systems being introduced into news and media to be morally challenging. On one hand ADM can provided personalised news feeds, better moderation to what is posted and shared and advertising specific to the user. However, this can also bring up the possibility of many negative outcomes if the technology is not used responsibly and ethically. The political landscape could be completely shifted and the democratic world which much of the modern Western world live in could be completely undermined. These outcomes could be caused by personalised news feeds which would mean readers are only getting one side of the story which may be drastically skewed towards one side of the political spectrum. It also opens the doors for security breaches of personal information and data to become more possible. I find this clash between positive and negative interesting as it often be hard to way the decisions in such a ethical dilemma one which requires me as the student to truly sit and think about what consequences could arise if this technology is not handled properly or conversely imagine the technological possibilities which can arise if we continue to focus research into this area.
After reading more information about ADM+S focus areas I was surprised to see that automation plays a much larger role in health care then I first realised. My past misconception was that I believed that AI and ADM was not technologically advanced enough to make choices about health care as the issue was to risky given that it can often involve life and death. However, after listening to speakers in class and reading more information on the ADM+S website I found that health care providers are constantly seeking to gather more data in order to make better choices and be more efficient. I was particularly fascinated that automation could be used in the treatment of mental health as I find mental health one of the hardest health issues to find equitable solutions. A health condition which effects us completely in the human brain and organ like no other creature or creation on earth could be aided and helped by AI, technology and automation. Although I do find this exciting as I have had my own experiences with mental health issues in the past and the possibility of better care is promising, I also find myself quite confronted by the notion of an AI or automated system determining what is best for my treatment.