This week our group was able to finish the script for our assignment within the specified time frame we had outlined two weeks earlier in our timeline for completion. Upon reading the script I was very surprised and happy with our groups work, especially Kenza and Anjelica whom’s work I had not read up until this point. Both of their sections showed great writing and their usage of words and ideas was elegant and enjoying to read. Once the group finished I was tasked with recording the audio. To this I rented (free of charge) out the recording studio which is in my student accommodation. This facility enabled me to use a professional level microphone as well as record in a sound proof room to provide our video with the highest quality audio. When creating other video projects I was always in charge of video editing rather then audio as I often find my voice not ideal to do narration for video and also struggle with reading in a easy to listen to manner. Often I read to fast and mumble or slur my words so this proved difficult when first recording the audio for this project. In order to overcome this I practiced for 30 mins reading the script out in different styles focusing on my projection, pronunciation and cadence. This proved very helpful in my recording as I was able to deliver the script when recording in a similar fashion to how I practiced instead of how I usually speak. The recording process was relatively straight forward as I just plugged the studio equipment into my laptop and recorded onto a free to use voice recording software as no sound manipulation or editing would be required. I did still however take multiple attempts to record the audio as I often mispronounced words which meant I would have to start the paragraph again as I wanted to record each take in one go to provide a more seamless reading of the script. Once I finished recording the script I uploaded the files to our group google drive folder and it was now time for the group to begin editing the video essay for the following week of work.

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