Prompt 2: Provide an overview (400-word minimum) of your initial ideas for an impact documentary. 

Possible title: Obsessive


Obsessive is a moving documentary about the struggles young men face in the battle against mental health. It follows the story of sufferers of anxiety and OCD as they share the candid reality of living with these diseases, how it affects their daily life, the emotional toll it takes on the individual as well as their struggle seeking help or finding a support system to lean on when most vulnerable. 

Impact Area:
The audience of Obsessive is young males from 15-45. However, any man who has struggles with their mental health would be able to relate to the documentary and find comfort in the message within the film. The film’s aim would be to educate viewers on the world of anxiety and OCD and the perpetuated lies and misinformation surrounding these diseases and how they affect young men. Obvesissive also aims to break down the decade-long narrative surrounding men’s mental health which encourages silence as being emotionally vulnerable is perceived as “weak”. 

When I sat down and thought about what documentary I would wish to make I originally thought about making a film about an issue which has impacted me directly. However after watching “Standing Above the Clouds” (2021) I was moved and taken back by a social issue which I had not heard of before. I thought perhaps I could make a documentary about a social issue which perhaps I do not know much about. This way not only would I be expanding my knowledge on social issues which may not have been to my knowledge previously but also shed light on a lesser known topic. 

However, after a discussion with my teacher she presented the idea that perhaps I would run into the ethical issue of misrepresentation and the argument that could be made for who is allowed to make groups on marginalised members of society especially from someone who is not directly involved nor linked to the group. So I went back to my original idea of a documentary about Men’s mental health as not only do I have first hand experience but I have a large knowledge base to resort to and a wide net of connections which could be used in the filmmaking process. 

My film would primarily use the modes expository including piece to camera interviews with sufferers and industry professionals. It would also include b-roll footage with voice over of said interviewers whilst employing a moving soundtrack to further engage with the audience and elicit an emotional and empathetic response.

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