The final week of our studio finally came. Our group was very excited to present our work which we had all worked towards. Unfortunately we were not able to test our project on the screen before the exhibition however we were confident it would be okay as I had tested it multiple times at home before hand on my own monitor. We also prepared for the presentation by having myself write a short introduction which I would read out up on stage to the audience in order to introduce our work. I made sure in this intro to name all members our group as the project would not exist if it was not for everyone’s contribution. Once it was our turn to showcase I was nervous but excited to see the audiences reaction. It was amazing seeing one of my own works on such a large screen, an almost surreal feeling. Viewing the final piece on a large screen left me feeling quite satisfied with how our work turned out in the end. Although I do wish we had more time to work and edit the video to give it a more professional feel and look I believe with time left we completed a sound and complex piece of work which effectively explored our thesis question. I believe our teamwork for this project was often inconsistent. Sometimes we would all come together as a group and share what had to be done, how it had be done and helped each other with our work yet other times there would sometimes be only 1 or 2 group member attend classes. I think it would have be beneficial in hindsight to organise out of class meetings especially for things like editing where we could have viewed the work as it was being created allowing more creative input and contribution. Overall however I believed we communicated well when needed and delegated work effectively meaning that even given our sometimes lack luster communication we were able to complete a high value project which I believe came out awesome.

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