• Offer a short summary of your group’s sound future

Our groups “Last Call for Venice” explores a future world in which Venice has been completely submerged by water except for a singular restaurant because of the effects of global warming and rising sea levels.

  • Discuss the premise or provocation that informs your group’s sound future, how did you arrive at this question?
  • Describe your exact roles, responsibilities, and contribution to the project. How did your strengths and weaknesses play out in this context?
  • Unpack 1-3 sections or events from your session in REAPER – what recording/editing techniques and creative approaches have you used to shape sounds? What specific meaning or information do you hope they carry?
  • What parts of the project are you most proud of, and why?
  • How does your group’s sound future connect listener’s to the eco-techno themes from the studio?
  • Imagine you are going to keep developing your sound future project (e.g. exhibit it somewhere else like a festival, or develop it into a different kind of work) – what would be the core things you would want to improve and extend and why?
  • discuss your experience with collaboration and working with others to develop a sound future. What did you learn, what were the ups and downs experienced? How would you like to work collaboratively in the future? At least 200 words must be dedicated to this question.

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