I found that in this studio collobration was integral to the devlopment of our final projects as we received feedback on our work and offered to others. I believe getting feedback from someone working on the same project as you can be very helpful for figuring out ways to tackle problems which someone else may have already encountered. The feedback I received during our presentations was very useful as I implemented these changes or suggestion into my video. I also enjoyed watching other peoples projects take place as I could implements some of the ideas which they had in my own way into the video.
Collaboration was also good for class discussion as we could bounce ideas about readings or concepts off of each other. I find the dicussion based learning is the best way for me to learn so I certainly enjoyed being able to sit down and learn about concepts whilst also discussing what these idea meant to us. The only negative I found with collaboration was that every one is different creatively and often this can lead to conflicting ideas or ideas which you strongly disagree with. Overall the collaboration aspect of this studio was highly enjoyable and helped with the creative process immensely.