blog #30: dirty thirty

Finally, the big 30! Dirty thirty. Halfway to 60. Now that’s crazy. To me, writing blogs have never been a chore. I love doing them. Maybe my content isn’t exactly amazing, but I feel like I’m using this more as a general university life journal rather than a Media specific journal… but maybe that’s what it […]

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blog #28: team FORTE

On Monday at about 12pm, Ali, Sandy and I caught up for lunch to chat about our brief and to get to know each other. The meeting went extremely well, with each individual member contributing immensely to the discussion. The minutes from our first meeting are as follows: – Idea for doing a website as […]

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blog #27: socially stalking

Without a doubt today’s tutorial inspired me to try harder in the area of film editing. There was such a high standard set today by everyone, so to try and match that was hard. I felt as though, while everyone’s films were of an impeccable standard, Jac’s Brief 3 on his friend and fashion designer […]

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blog #26: don’t hold back

Today’s tutorial was all about showing each other’s videos, and then giving criticism and feedback on our Brief 3 videos. The following is each of my friend’s thoughts on my video, as well as a link to their own Brief… Elise She loved the way that I interviewed my Yiayia, and the story that was […]

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blog #25: confucius say

Today’s lecture really threw me for a loop, I understood quite little of everything that was discussed… and having a look over Brief 4, I can only add to that confusion. The use of stringent media terms made today’s lecture turn into one big blur. I tried my hardest to understand the key concepts discussed, […]

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blog #23: lost in translation

Today I completed, shot, produced, filmed, wrote (trying to think of other movie roles to make me sound professional when I’m really not) and EDITED (nailed it!) my Brief 3 film on my grandmother, Panayiota Grigoriou. My Yiayia, grandma in Greek, suffered through the loss of her parents due to war and unfortunate circumstances, was forced […]

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blog #22: hearing aid

Today’s tutorial was all about sound, noise and coverage. We discussed the 3 main types of sounds which included music, speech and sounds (as well as, unintentional noise). We also spoke about reverb which is created by multiple reflections naturally. For example, if you’re in a church or cathedral, the reverb can be 15 seconds […]

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