Observations – Week 8

As I leave my office at around 5:15 on a Thursday afternoon, I’m suddenly hit by a beautiful orange light that has engulfed the sky. I’m not one to take photos of sunsets usually, but this was something special. I snap a couple of pics. As I walk onto Brunswick St, the light is even more on display, this time bouncing off the glass windows, making the lights from the cars glow spectacularly. As I stop staring and focus on my walk home, I see people’s faces away from their screens, and looking upwards. Almost all the people I walk past are either taking photos, or looking on with a smile as a phenomenon we’ve seen countless times before again doesn’t fail to amaze.
Woolworths in Brunswick. It’s ANZAC Day, and I’ve just popped down to grab some food and drink for the big day. As I approach the doors, I see a paper sign stuck on the wall. “In Recognition of ANZAC Day, 25th April, this store will be closed until 1PM”. I look at my watch, 12:15. I look to my left to see a few more people, reading the same notice that I’ve just read. I wonder why this is. Perhaps some old fashioned tradition of no trade before 1PM. Or perhaps they just want to save on penalty rates. Either way, I’m sure Aldi is open.

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