Scene Deconstruction: Hot Fuzz


The set (lighting, mise en scene, etc.)

  • harsh lighting – casts strong shadows across faces
  • presence of warm lights in the background show that Pegg is lit for effect, and the key lighting is at first not motivated by the surroundings
  • when he is confronting the boys however, the lights in the room motivate the key lighting (in one scene the light is even in frame). The lighting is still harsh though.
  • dramatic lighting cue – braces
  • mise en scene – in the background you can see people in the bar, bottles, beer taps, old English pub style furnishings/decorations. For the most part however it’s out of focus
  • colour – lots of browns/oranges/greys. Reminiscent of a pub. View of the sign saying “it is illegal to serve alcohol to persons under 18” shows that in this light, white appears as orange, and informs the viewer of the effect of the lighting in the room – gives an idea of the atmosphere


  • pans in on Pegg’s face as he takes in his surroundings
  • most of the shots are close up/mid shots
  • as the camera pans in on Pegg’s face, a shallow depth of field is used – perhaps shows his focus on what’s in front of him
  • camera is mounted
  • whip panning is used between shots
  • low angles are used to show Pegg when he’s talking to the boys to match eye lines and express POV
  • focus pull used later on between owners and Pegg


  • soundscape – boys laughing, pool table, heartbeat, straws, background music
  • sound effects – sound of the light reflecting of braces, a beat when Pegg looks at the sign, then for his following expression, ‘whoosh’ sounds for each of Peggs movements once he’s read the sign, a beat at the start of each confrontation
  • foley sounds – slurping straw, clicking fingers, laughter
  • lack of sounds at the end signify the quiet of the room after the boys have left


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