A Start To Writing: thinking about location

Finding a location for my short story to be filmed at should in theory be a quite easy task, since the only real defining trait is that it has to be at an intersection with a pedestrian crossing. I feel as though my problem is going to be finding a place to film in that’s quiet enough where I won’t be getting in the way with a tripod and camera, and will able to rope off an area as ‘wet cement’ without causing too much hassle. The story is set quite late, but depending on people’s availability this is something that could change for the actual filming, however the benefit of filming late would be quieter streets and less people around to be considerate of/work around. Filming in the day though would mean more people around to help me or to act, and easier lighting (I think? This is something to look into.)

The actual intersection where I saw the event that inspired the story is on the corner of William and Collins street:

(please excuse the google maps pictures, I’m currently too sick to go wandering around the city!)

Screen Shot 2015-08-12 at 5.27.06 pm Screen Shot 2015-08-12 at 5.26.46 pm

Admittedly, it’s not the most pleasing corner aesthetically, and it might be a good idea to find somewhere else to film, however it’s generally quiet in terms of foot traffic and apart from trams, the noise is not too loud. Still, I think there’s probably a better location out there.

Screen Shot 2015-08-14 at 9.24.34 pmPerhaps somewhere such as this would be a better option. This is an intersection on Royal Parade, however this particular crossing is small, leading to an island with a tram stop:

Screen Shot 2015-08-14 at 9.28.52 pmScreen Shot 2015-08-14 at 9.29.06 pmThere are large amounts of space on either end of the crossing, meaning I could set up a tripod and not even be on a footpath (or if I needed to be, at least not in people’s way). In terms of foot-traffic this is not a particularly busy crossing/area, however the 19 tram does come about every 10 minutes to this stop, so that would be something to keep in mind when filming in regards to sound. Also, of course, there are cars that frequent Royal Parade, however this road is more of a side road (aka. less busy) and there won’t be many times where we’ll actually need to cross over it, so as far as safety is concerned this area is okay. I think the island would allow me to get longer shots, of the pair at the traffic lights, and the large amount of concrete to the side of the crossing’s footpath would mean that I could easily rope of an area and not effect anyone.

This brings up another point though: how am I going to rope off an area? I’m not entirely sure about this, but the poles to the side of the crossing/path might be helpful. I need to get my hands on something such as traffic cones or free standing poles though to make up the other two corners of the square to be roped around. In terms of the rope itself, any bright rope or tape would probably do.

The wet cement shots will be filmed separately, likely with sand instead that I can hopeful colour to look like cement. In the context of the rest of the film, I think this should be enough.


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