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Class Reflection

April 29, 2015 by kimberlyteoh   

Today, we had to present Project 3 to a panel. I seriously don’t know how people who present without a script can deliver their presentations so naturally. I’ve decided at the start of this particular course that I wanted to try presenting without one too, because to me, these presentations are like pitches and not an academic presentation. As usual, my nervousness decided to screw with me and caused my mind to blank out again which unfortunately made me cut what I had to say short. As a result, I forgot to mention what I’ve discovered (though to be honest I don’t think it should be considered a “discovery”). What I’ve discovered is that what we’re doing is best suited for sampling. Sampling as in allowing people to “have a taste” of a traveling experience. I can’t quite explain it very well but it’s very similar to Jonathan Harris’s The Whale Hunt.   

To tell the truth, I decided to at least practice what I was going to say for the presentation the day before. I would say the same thing over and over until I was sure that it was stuck in my head. Unfortunately, it seems that doing that doesn’t actually help in my case after what happened.  So I decided to do a bit of research and I learned that doing this will instead make you FORGET what to say because your brain is switched to memorization mode. In other words, my brain was so set on trying to remember what I had to say (word for word, or at least similar to it) that I wasn’t thinking about the key points I had to make.

I guess next time I’ll just write down the points on a memo and use that to help me remember. I’m still not cured from the anxiety/nervousness you get before a presentation though.

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