Analysis/Reflection 3, Q1

Paste the link here from your version of the abstract editing exercise.

Then reflect on the whole process – Consider: the quality and usability of your recordings; the effect of layering and juxtaposition of both the audio and the video and; the things you learnt from working with this kind of audio and video.

I felt the video recordings Krystal and I made were useful and versatile, but not so much on the audio end. I thought it was really fun working with abstract audio and video (though the end product might have been better if we had better audio) because you can create various meanings simply through the arrangement and juxtaposition of audio and video clips. It was a very experimental process and I loved it. I just wish I had done the video recordings prior to the audio, so I would have known what sort of audio to record. I was tempted to use royalty-free music, but that wasn’t in the brief…

Before editing my footage, I went to Vimeo for some inspiration and found some wonderful videos which made good use of video and audio.

The Essence Of Sound from Susi Sie on Vimeo.

This video is a really good example of a creative marriage of abstract video and audio to create meaning – in this instance, it portrays the “essence of sound”.

GENERATION TO GENERATION from Phillip Montgomery on Vimeo.

I like this video better. It is more straightforward, and I absolutely loved the usage of voiceovers here – a Antoine de Saint-Exupéry poem narrated. The voiceovers give context to the video and together they create meaning; a story. The fuzzy quality of the audio also lends an aged quality to the entire clip – simply lovely. I wish I could produce something like this someday!

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