Analysis/Reflection 5 (Q3)

Blow Up is a 1966 film directed by Michelangelo Antonioni.

In this scene we can see the choreography of the actors, camera, frame and focus. As covered in the lecture describe what Antonioni would have considered when directing the actors and the camera.

In the beginning when Jane (I think?) enters Thomas’ apartment, she stops right at the crack and is perfectly framed. Antonioni must have told the DOP to place the camera at that specific angle and told Redgrave exactly where to stop when she came in. In the following seconds, Jane and Thomas walk out of the frame and continue walking thereafter – evident from the sound of their footsteps. So Antonioni must have paid heed to sound as well.

In the scenes where both Jane and Thomas share the frame, Antonioni probably directed and choreographed their movements such that either of them wouldn’t block the other from the camera. He also might have told them to keep within a certain distance, so that they wouldn’t be excluded from the frame.

There are a couple of scenes where Jane walks out of the frame. Antonioni takes care to note that the following scenes when she reenters the frame, she enters from the opposite side of the frame, i.e. when she exits on the right, she reenters from the left.

During Jane and Thomas’ conversations—carried out via interchanging MCU and CU shots of either party—Antonioni makes sure their eyelines match. For example, at 5:21 when Thomas looks up to Jane, the following shot has Jane looking in a downward direction, implying she’s looking at Thomas even though this scene was shot in segments. This is probably one of the more important aspects here; failure to match eyelines would simply confuse and frustrate the audience.

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