Final reflections on Networked Media

Congrats, Summer class of 2014! WE ARE DONE. Some hardworking champs we are, to be hanging around school while the rest of the campus is on break.

Most of what I remember from the past six weeks of Networked Media revolve around Niki and blogs. Guess what. I’ve actually managed to sustain a blog for six weeks! Kudos, Kimberly! New achievement unlocked! I most definitely deserve a shiny badge for this.

My favourite part of the course was definitely blogging. I like having my thoughts somewhere to go. But what I didn’t expect was that this exercise would help me get to know my classmates better, way beyond classroom interaction. It did; I now know Dana is a kick-ass illustrator, Mardy is a superb wedding photographer, Esther has a way with words, Bryan loves cookies and Tim‘s latest wish is for the perfect housemate. (All the best, Timmy.)

On a more academic note, it also made sure I was engaged with my least favourite part of the course – the readings. They can be dry. Like very dry. Like Weetbix without milk. Yeah, not cool. There were some I couldn’t understand quite well, like DNS and ANT, but there were others, like the six degrees of separation, that were more interesting and easier to grasp.

Nevertheless, I’ve learned plenty. I’ve learned that the media landscape is evolving at a much faster rate than I imagined. I’ve learned that the world is getting smaller and smaller as we speak. I’ve learned that few things are impossible. I’ve learned that new media has a very exciting future and Networked Media is the first step to understanding it. Tough course – even tougher in six weeks. So thanks Elliot, for being an amazing tutor and cupcake wizard.

Peace and love. Until next time!

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