RWAV // Just a bit of a catch up!

Following the production of our demo, my group felt a lot more prepared and capable in producing a live radio show, the only major difference being that we would be talking to guests live in the studio instead of playing pre-recorded content (which is somewhat easier for our panel operator, Jack, anyway). While we felt more confident, we did not feel ready enough to face liveness and headed into the studio once again – as they say, practice makes perfect!

This second session really solidified our cultivated skill set and had us feeling ready to go live on 3RRR’s airwaves – the next step was to lock in our interviewees, confirm our run sheet, choose music and prepare any necessary filler content (ensuring myself and Ed were fluent in back announcing, forward announcing and general show maintenance).

Luckily our interviewees, Emma Webb, Chyloe Kurdis and Dean Cohen were keen and able to participate in our show, although Dean was unable to come into studio, meaning we would have to conduct a phone interview. At first, my group were quite hesitant to do so, as this meant another aspect to have to think about and operate while going live for the first time, but with a bit of preparation from Jack, we managed to have a chat to Dean over the phone – live to air – without a single glitch. In hindsight, I’m really happy it turned out the way it did as the sound and textural difference of the phone interview added an additional layer and complexity to the show, whereby the show did not become too streamlined nor monotonous, keeping the listener engaged and entertained.

All in all, the show went off excellently (albeit lightning striking the transmitter and the analogue signal broadcasting Gold FM on 3RRR instead of, well, us), and I feel we performed to a professional standard. For a more in depth analysis of the broadcast, make sure to check out the show and my annotations here: 

Kerri Gordon

I dig music, social media, celebs and sweet potato fries.

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